Keep A Secret

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The morning was bright, two men walked into the studio. "America! Russia!" Another actor walked up to them. "Hey Poland." America greeted back with all smiles.

The two of them were invited to do a movie together again, ever since the huge success of their last one, a lot of people have been requesting movies with the two of them in it.

Today's shooting was going to be quite long so they had long breaks in between of scenes. Usually the actors and actresses would hang out in the lounge together.

As they shot the first scene America noticed a familiar figure with a clipboard by the corner of the room. She wore her usual formal attire.

"Hey Ukraine!" He walked up to her, "oh hello America."

"You're working on this one as well?" He glanced at the papers on her clipboard. "Yes indeed, I usually take up a lot of projects."

The two of them chatted for awhile, America noticed a group of other staff members watching her enviously and whispering amongst themselves.

Ukraine noticed this as well, "don't mind them, they just don't like me."

"Why so?"

"No reason, just because I do my job the best and that I'm not biologically female." Ukraine shrugged like it was nothing and continued to flip through her files. "They're honestly just nitpicking on small things I do to gossip about me at this point. I don't care about them though, work is more important."

America racked his brains for awhile, "do you want to be my manager? I've been needing one recently especially after the last incident."

"Really?" Her eyes widened a little in surprise, "well I mean I am currently looking for a more stable position rather than bouncing from one project to another." She placed her hand on her chin.

American's eyes brightened significantly, "great! We can discuss the details later, here's my number, I'll call you when we're done with this."

"Do you need my number?" Ukraine asked as she was about to go get her business card in her purse. America waved his hands, "no need, I can just ask Russia later."

America had to go back to shooting so he waved goodbye to Ukraine.

During break he and Russia walked through a desolate hallway while chatting. As they passed a door, America abruptly shoved Russia and himself inside the door.

It was the storage room, it was more spacious than the last time the two of them were stuck in a room together.

The American smirked, he leaned in and kissed the taller male.

Russia was beyond confused but he didn't think much of it at the moment since his mind was in chaos.

"Haha I couldn't hold myself back until the end of the day, sorry."

"..." he was speechless.

Then America leaned in again with another kiss.

They stayed like that for a long time, then they heard a group of people speak as they walked past. "I wonder where America and Russia are, shooting is about to start! It's been ages."

"Yeah, let's check all the rooms, maybe we'll find them somewhere."

The door to the storage room opened slowly, Russia's eyes widened, his heart dropped but he couldn't bring himself to shove America away.

When the group entered what they saw was America with tears sliding down his face standing in front of Russia. They were all shocked and ran up to him to comfort him. "What happened here??" Poland asked the two of them.

The pieces in Russia's brain clicked, "it's nothing." He said with a cold glare and stormed out angrily past the group.

Ukraine, who was also in the group was confused because she knew Russia would never ever hurt America in his life. Then she realized something, her face turned beet red, she stormed out along with Russia.

The group stayed behind to comfort America who wasn't actually crying out of sadness, but rather crying on command.

"Hey Russia, you two better be more careful at work, are you trying to get caught?" She lectured him. "Sorry." He said with his red face.

Ukraine sat on one of the lounge chairs, "it's so scary how believable you guy's performances are, he can even cry on command, looking at your expression made my spine shiver."

Russia slumped onto the empty seat next to her, "I felt like my heart was going to explode." He clenched his shirt. "America is a bold one isn't he?"

During the shooting America didn't interact with Russia much other than during filming. Although Russia knew he was keeping up an act, he still found it a little sad, especially after remembering stuff that happened the years America was gone.

After work today, the two of them met up inside the car. "Should we eat out today or shall we go to your place?" America chatted happily. The Russian was abnormally silent today, the American noticed this.

"Are you perhaps sad about me ignoring you today?"

"Sorry, it just reminded me of when you were gone."

America's heart softened, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I promise not to scare you again next time."

"How about I pay for today? I feel really bad." He continued.

"No it's okay you don't have to."

The shorter male narrowed his eyes, "Nope don't give me that, I did something wrong so I'll make up for it! I promise to be the best boyfriend for you so I'll learn from my mistakes, now, where would you like to go?"

Russia sighed because he knows once America set his mind on something, he won't back down but secretly he also felt really happy.


I really want to start on my next book :( The planning is literally like 10k words long already. But I will be loyal and finish this one first.

Notes : 1 spell check (probably half awake so don't mind spelling or grammar mistakes)

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