True Feelings

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Russia drove the car and brought America back to his place. After all he did drag America out of his own home without a heads up.

"There has been news that a huge scoop has just happened! Apparently our Ex number one star has been cleared of his name. What happened was-"

The radio stations were already talking about what happened. America listened along because he could guarantee all the radio stations would be talking about the same thing anyway.

"-so to celebrate we're going to be playing a marathon of his songs, enjoy!" Then the lady in the radio stopped speaking. A song played on the radio, when America and Russia heard it they both reacted.

This was America's first ever song.

A wave of memories flooded the American's head. He smiled warmly and started humming along, the humming was extremely pleasant to the ear, crisp and clear.

"Your first song... it's very nice." Russia commented next to him in the drivers seat. The shorter male raised an eyebrow, "hmm how do you know it's my first song? I don't think I've ever told you." He said in a teasing tone.

Russia flinched and fumbled the steering wheel, almost driving off track.

"Woah don't get us in an accident or else the news will be reporting two huge scoops instead of one."

The Russian looked a little embarrassed as he turned his head away slightly, "sorry."

The American chuckled some more, "since when we're you so easily flustered, it's fine!" He pat the taller man's shoulder a few times while laughing happily to himself.

As they were driving down a road, America recognized this road, it was close to his place.

"Hey can I go to your place instead?"

They almost drove off track again.

"This... is sudden."

The shorter male smiled, "is there something wrong? Besides you still owe me dinner don't you? Well I guess it's still the afternoon so let's change it to lunch." This was a lie, in truth America just wanted to spend more time with him.

The Russian didn't say anything more, he complied and drove both of them to his place again.

When they were in front of his door, Russia made sure to not let anyone see his door password. Probably for security reasons, you can never be too safe.

Seeing the familiar penthouse, there was a sudden burst of energy that erupted within the shorter male.

He saw the piano and itched to play on it. Once a musician, always a musician, it was like a habit to him.

Besides there was also the new song he had been working on for awhile. He wanted Russia to hear it first before releasing it to the public.

"You can go ahead and do anything you want, make yourself at home, I'll go start cooking." Russia said before walking away to to kitchen.

America exclaimed from across the room, "I'll help you out later!"

He sat down in front of the piano, the keys seemed to fit onto his fingers perfectly. America traced the notes lightly, pressing on a few which produced a pleasing melody.

But when he pressed a specific note, he could tell it was a bit off. Amateurs would usually not be able to differentiate this note difference, but America could, and it bothered him a lot.

He decided to try and fix it himself, the American's eyes wandered to the bookshelf in the living room.

This piano was a high quality model he had yet to try, so he didn't know how to fix it.

America scanned through the bookshelf trying to find the manual for the piano and finally he found a dust covered book on the top shelf.

It was the manual he needed, the book was unfortunately lodged quite badly in. He pulled with some effort before getting it free, the bookshelf swayed and the box on top of the bookshelf tumbled down.

"Ouch, ah shit I made a mess, I should clean this up. I hope he didn't hear that." America said as he bent down to throw whatever had fallen out back into the box.

But what America saw in the box made his movements pause for a moment. He glanced at the thing he had picked up, then paused as well.

A few minutes pass by and Russia came back into the living room. "I heard a noise, did something happen?" His eyes darted around the room, then his gaze stopped at the man sitting on the floor in front of the bookshelf flipping through the books inside of the box.

The Russian's eyes widened, he rushed over extremely quickly. America noticed him, a wide smile spread across his face. "Ah Russia you're here! Look at this, this magazine is from ages ago when I was still a teen, it was one of my first photoshoots. Look how stiff I was hahaha!"

Russia kneeled down on the floor next to him, at a loss of what to do. His face grew increasingly redder by the moment. Of course America noticed this since it was so obvious. Russia tried desperately to swiftly throw the things that had fallen out back in.

"Ah look, you have so many of my magazines and CDs, a lot of posters and other collectible stuff. The whole box is full of it, I wonder if the other boxes on top are full of it as well too."

The Russian could not utter a word, he choked on the words before they could escape his mouth. "A lot of these sold out years ago, years before we even met at that party." America turned his head towards the flustered Russian.

The shorter male inched closer, Russia tried to raise his hands to cover his face but America firmly grabbed both of them before he could.

"The person you mentioned at the award ceremony, I do wonder who they could be~?" America smirked and teased the person in front of him.

Russia tried to say something but nothing would come out. His face only turned redder and redder, his eyes swirled with confusion, he also felt his face was excruciatingly warm. The Russian averted his gaze out of embarrassment.

America continued, the grin on his face not fading one bit

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

America continued, the grin on his face not fading one bit.

"Tell me, when was the first time we actually met?"


Did you really think this was an Actor X Actor AU? Hah! No. It's actually an Actor X Fan AU! Surprise surprise

Notes : 1 spell check

Take Two | Rusame | Countryhumans AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin