Baking Together

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It's a bright and sunny day, the warm crisp air filled the sky. A young American man walked down the street with a bag of groceries in his hand and a phone in the other.

He wore a black shirt, it's collar covered half his neck, it had fairly short sleeves and he wore white jeans. Of course he also wore sunglasses, a cap and a black mask covering half his face. (Refer to the artwork in the cover)

He was well known in the entertainment industry and would rather not be bombarded with people's hateful comments right now.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he read the top trending articles right now. As he expected it's all about how he practically announced his return during the party last night.

"Well I guess there's no avoiding it, I am gonna start working on a new movie soon so everyone's gonna notice either way." America sighed.

He walked into a white apartment building, indeed this apartment complex is where he lives. Albeit he does have other options, he prefers this specific apartment.

America heaved himself up the stairs and fumbled around his pocket for his keys as he walked. He narrowly escaped bumping right into a pillar a few times.

He got closer to his room but out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone standing there. America immediately stopped paying attention to his keys and instead to the person in front of his room.

It was a tall male, he was leaning against the wall with his head hung low, a slightly sorrowful expression could be seen on his face. He wore an odd hat and a white turtleneck along with a long beige coat.

America raised an eyebrow, "What brings you here Russia?"

The Russian immediately perked up and turned towards the voice, the gloomy air around him immediately evaporated into thin air.

Russia walked over in front of America, "Um I wanted to visit you, you left really quick last night after only an hour, I didn't manage to hold an actual conversation with you so I just wanted to talk to you."

Russia averted his gaze but his face was as calm and tranquil as always, not even a ripple in his eyes. "I mean if I stayed any longer someone would've gathered the confidence to start an argument with me or bash me, so I left before anything happened, I wouldn't want to ruin everyones night."

America said as he searched for his keys again, he said it in such a normal tone as if it was something that happened on a daily basis, he was used to it basically. Russia's eyebrows twitched slightly out of discontent.

"But in any case do you want to go inside? I was just about to bake something for myself, I can make more for you." He said as he opened the door and stepped inside.

Russia followed shortly after and closed the door behind him. The apartment held a sense of familiarity, Russia hadn't been inside for two years but he remembered very well that everything was in its place.

They both removed their masks, Russia removed his coat and folded it neatly on the couch.

America placed his bag of groceries on the counter, he unpacked them and was about to start baking. He then remembered he forgot to take a bowl and turned around.

Russia stood behind him with both his arms half extended but when the American turned around the Russian immediately retracted his hands swiftly.

"Sorry... anyways what are you making?"

"I'm making a cake, I still really love sweets and I was just craving some cake this morning so I picked up some groceries." He said in a cheerful tone as he poured flour into a bowl, the dust drifted in the wind.

A smile appeared on Russia's face, "It's good to know you haven't changed."

America whisked the batter, "you're mistaken, I have changed a little, at least I think I grew a pair? Or maybe I'm just fooling myself."

The Russian tilted his head slightly, his hat shifted as well, "well, to me, I think you're still the same number one star."

Russia watched America work around the kitchen, the American couldn't help but chuckle, not in mockery but just pure amusement. "I'm pretty sure that title belongs to you now, believe me even though I disappeared from the public I still watch tv."

"But awards and titles mean nothing to me, I still believe you're the best." Russia said with no hesitation. America raised an eyebrow, a smirk appeared on his face. "Haha, well never mind, you're also an amazing actor."

Russia watched in silence for awhile, "Are you really returning to the entertainment industry?"

"...yes I am," America replied, his voice was a little strained. "You won't leave again right?" Russia said with a low voice, his eyes filled with ripples of tenderness.

America slammed the oven door shut, "maybe," he said with a shrug and a small smirk. The Russian's face darkened immediately, America was quite surprised.

"Don't worry I'm joking, I'm here to stay this time, back then I left because I wanted to take a break a rearrange my thoughts, I left without a word because I didn't care what the public thought of me anymore. Sorry for not saying anything I didn't really expect anyone to care where I went." America swiftly replied.

The dark expression on the Russians face didn't disappear, he just averted his gaze, expression unreadable.

America's eyes trailed upwards, "you got taller again, you were already tall enough before, now you look even more intimidating." The American stood on his tip toes and extended his arm upwards, placing a hand on Russia's head.

The tricolored country flinched, a grin appeared on America's face. Suddenly a loud ring could be heard, it seems the cake was ready.

America's face beamed with delight, he immediately placed his mittens on and took the cake out. A sweet aroma filled the air.

"Go sit at the dining table I'll bring the cake once I finish cutting it."

Russia hesitated but nodded in the end.

As the Russian sat in the dining room with his cheek propped against the palm of his hand. He slowly closed his eyes, lost in thought.

'It really has been too long...'

He could hear a light clatter of plates in front of him, Russia opened his eyes slowly and saw a cake slice in front of him.

"Tell me how it tastes okay?" America sat across him awaiting his opinion. The Russian grabbed a fork and ate a piece of it.

A bright smile appeared on America's face, "well? Is it good?"

Russia noticed there were three plates on the table.

Russia said nothing but replied with a warm smile, this made America feel a little happier seeing as Russia seemed to like it.

Just as Russia was about to say something the doorbell rung.


If you'd like to know Russia was gonna hug him from behind but then he turned around.

Notes : 1 spell check

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