Lights, Camera, Action

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The party was loud and lively, everyone was having a great time. This special party happened every year where managers working in the entertainment industry would organize a party for the celebrities they work for.

It had somewhat of a "thank you for your hard work" message. Another reason why this party is held is just for everyone to loosen up and meet new people. After all everyone working in the entertainment industry wants a night off from work without worrying about the media and press.

A tall handsome male sat near to corner, by his looks anyone would expect him to be an actor. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand and stared out the window next to him. The entire wall next to him from top to bottom was transparent, giving him an extraordinary view.

A lady pulled the chair across the tall male and sat down with one of her legs on top of the other.

She stared at the untouched glass with bright blue liquid swirling in it on the table in front of her, "why don't you have fun with the others, he's probably not going to show up."

He didn't even spare a glance at her, "I'll wait a little longer."

She sighed and massaged her temples, "I'm his manager and even I haven't heard from him in two years, besides this is a crowded place, I believe he isn't stupid enough to show up just to end up the center of attention again."

The other male didn't respond and continued to gaze out the window. Reason being the window gives you a full view of the pathway so if any car rolls in, he'd immediately know.

"Russia, last year you waited the entire night and he didn't show up, I'm really trying my best to contact him, I really do understand your concern for a friend but Japan and the others are hoping you'd join them."


Russia heaved out a low sigh, "alright, I'll try to have fun tonight." He then stood up and downed the whole drink in one gulp. He could feel the burning sensation in his throat as the liquid slid down.

She gave him a warm smile, "I'm sure you'll meet him again one day."

Russia adjusted his suit tie before leaving.

He walked over to another table in the other side of the room, this table was more lively and less lonely than the one he sat in before.

The blaring music was a muffled out by the chattering crowd around him which wasn't necessarily an improvement.

The party was reserved for only celebrities with invitations so no press or media could stick their noses in. But still that doesn't mean everyone can do whatever they want, if they cause a commotion you bet the other gossipy celebrities will leak the details to the public.

As the Russian neared the table, a charming lady noticed him first and a smile beamed on her face. "Russia! So you finally decided to join us."

"Yeah, I figured to just have fun for the rest of the night, it's not everyday you attend an event like this." Russia plopped down on the seat next to the charming lady or more well known as the famous actress Japan.

Although there was a small smirk on the Russian's face, only Russia knew that deep down the party would never be fun.

At least without him...

There was another male sitting right across Japan, another famous actor, Germany. Next to Germany was an elegant lady, the K-pop idol South Korea.

They were all friends in the industry so they chatted for awhile concerning their next movies, songs and their personal lives.

In the midst of the chatter, Japan noticed the dazed expression of the male sitting next to her.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry too much, he'd doing fine, I'm sure of it."

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