To The Rescue

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A car pulled over in the mall parking lot, a total of 7 people exited. "Let's have lunch while we're at it, besides we have to get groceries, you don't mind do you Russia?" Britain asked him.

The Russian shook his head as he put on his mask. America chuckled as he put on his sunglasses and mask. The American leaned over and whispered to the taller man next to him, "do you remember? We went here together before."

Before he could answer America spoke up again, "well, let's not get caught this time."

"Brother can we take a look at the pet store together?" Aussie suggested to America with sparkling eyes. "You know Nada's gonna be mad at you." America put his hands on his hips. Aussie's eyes trailed over to Russia, "Ah! You can bring your boyfriend too."

The American turned to Russia, "you heard him, let's go."

"You're hopeless Ame, Aussie let's get lunch first."

Aussie crossed his arms and pouted, "This is why I don't ask you." America joined in, "Yeah Nada you're so boring sometimes."

"I can't believe you're older than me."

They looked through the list of restaurants and settled on the newest Italian restaurant that just opened awhile ago. When they walked in a man greeted them, "benvenuto, table for 7?" He wore a chef outfit and spoke in an Italian accent.

"Italy?" Britain tilted his head, as if he saw wrong. Italy only started to pay attention now, "Oh hey! Is America with you?" His eyes darted around the crowd.

"Italy! Why didn't you go to the reunion the other day?" America asked his former classmate. The Italian rubbed his temples, "sorry sorry I was busy with the grand opening of my restaurant. Congrats on getting your name cleared."

The American grinned from ear to ear, "thanks! And yes, table for 7 please." Italy scribbled a few things on his notepad and led the family to their table.

Italy has seen America's family before, he didn't recognize the tallest one at the table. The man leaned in and whispered to America, "who's the good looking tall guy with you?"

Of course Italy knows Russia, after all Russia is the biggest star right now, it's just he couldn't recognize him due to the mask. "Oh it's just a friend of mine from work."

Since America didn't go any more into detail Italy just left it at that. He assumed it was because of American's actor status that he couldn't go more into it.

Italy took their orders and left to the kitchen, the family chatted happily with each other. Well America was talking to Russia, Britain was talking with France, Canada was on his phone meanwhile Kiwi and Aussie were watching Canada play his game on his phone.

Eventually after Canada died a few hundred times, he put his phone away. The second he did, a group of friends walked up to him, "Are you perhaps America? You look very similar."

Canada sighed, "no I'm not sorry." As he gave a stink eye to America who was right in front of him. America pretended not to notice.

The group of friends apologized and walked away. "Do people always say that to you?" America laughed in amusement. He and Canada looked the most similar to each other since their ages were the closest in the entire family, and genes.

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