16| Fallen for puns not the cat

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On your way, you felt someone following you........


Y/n turned around to find a black feline following her, y/n raised her eyebrows at first it startled her when Chat leaned towards her, "what happened Chat how are you even following me didn't I tell you to go to your home, are you following me". You said surprise seen all over your face, he chuckled looking at you and blushed a little "Well I was going home purrincess but I saw you". He said not trying to make anything obvious "so may I take you home". He said bowing and kissing the back of your hand while you agreed "so how is your catastrophic life going". Y/n asked Chat and his eyes were wide open as if she said something wrong "I am sorry did I say something wrong". Y/n say and Chat smirks "I did not know that you were a pun master purrincess". He said while you giggled "I do like puns but I like pun challenges more". Y/n says until she realizes that they have reached her home "aww well next time see you soon kitty". She said waving while Chat smiled bashfully.

Chat's POV

I turned back to myself and landed on my bed something felt off, really off I missed Plagg I knew it was just today night that Plagg had been gone but I felt left out. I thought to myself before going to sleep and I was looking forward to tomorrow just to apologize to y/n.

Next day.......

At school Adrien came earlier than usual and there he saw Alya with Nino he approached them and waved but both of them stayed silent trying to ignore him "guys I am sorry I just was not patient enough I am so sorry". He said giving an apologetic smile, Nino nodded but Alya was still a little stubborn "first apologize to her and then you can apologize to us, before that, I kept her favorite flowers in her locker with her favorite chocolates just now you have to apologize". Alya said with a smile now. Adrien nodded now standing next to her locker while Chloe approached him "hey Adrien be happy that I did not smack you, you better be sorry to y/n". Chloe said storming out of the locker room. 'Wow, Chloe did not call me Adriekins that was weird'. Adrien thought to himself still waiting for y/n.

Y/n's POV

I am ready to go to school but before that let me grab all of the kwamis "guys come on, and today you will start taking your medicines I have all your food so jump in". I said indicating them to jump in my bag, I jumped from my zip line and ran to school. Reaching there I saw Lila approaching me, great start of the day y/n I said to myself under my breath.

"Oh look it is the person who hurt my feelings and Adrien proved it". Lila said smirking and pushing me, this time I did not do anything but fell on the ground, Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Chloe came running helping me up and again Lila started shouting.

Adrien's POV

I heard shouting and could hear Lila's voice, I came from behind her and saw she was yelling at y/n I could see her eyes watery as soon as I saw it I became angry "Lila why are you lying". I said in a stern tone.

As Adrien scolded Lila y/n stared at the back of him quietly but Lila came in between she did not care about what Adrien was talking about "looks like y/n cannot save herself, why are you staring at him like a creep. It is because you are a creep". Lila smirked and some kids around her gasped cause y/n just got burned but y/n could not stand it "oh I was not looking at him, I was trying to find your ego, look I found it". Y/n said pointing to the air "and look there is your IQ". She continued pointing to the ground "next time watch out who you are talking to Rossè". She just burned Lila and walked to her locker proudly this time her friend clapping and joining her "girl that was so cool, teach me how to do that and then we will burn Lila every day".  Alya said chuckling and y/n shrugged going to her locker as she opened it a bunch of f/f (favorite flowers) fell in her hands and there was a box with her favorite chocolates she turned around to see Adrien next to her, y/n stumbled back against her locker and looked at Adrien in the eye "y/n I am so sorry and I apologize for my mistake can you forgive me". He said and you nodded sympathetically giving him a big hug while he hugged you back, "I am so happy that you are my best friend again". Adrien said and you chuckled you could feel Lila staring at the both of you, "Okay so because of last night's chaotic fight, and all that happenings we were not able to do a sleepover so you guys should come to my home today". You said and all of them nodded "Adrien and Nino both of you are also invited so come on". You said and Nino nodded wrapping an arm around Alya but Adrien was unsure "I don't know that if my father will allow me, so sorry I cannot come". Adrien said heading to class you could feel his sadness radiating everywhere you felt you could help him in some way so you got an idea. Before that idea you had to attend a fencing class which you were not excited about, suddenly the earth started shaking and loud noises of glass crashing were heard.......

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