3| Paris? Where else

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I opened my eyes and could not believe where I was.


"What is happening, how the hell am I here in Paris!"

"come on y/n you do want to return me, right?" Selene asked me her voice echoed in my head and I just nodded while I kept jumping with my new temporary wolf power suddenly I saw something black jumping from one roof to another roof I tilted my head in confusion but kept going on, 'okay y/n so do you see there is an ally transform back there and then I will tell you the directions' Selene said and I got a little scared thinking people could see me but I believed her, as I transformed back to myself saying a long line 'Selene bow to the moon' I came out of the ally and then Selene popped out of my sling bag eating a piece of chocolate she told me to go to this normal looking apartment as I went inside I knocked on the door and an old man opened it seeing me he greeted me with a simple good afternoon and I said the same he asked me to come in and tell the reason why I came, "hello sir are you, Mr. Fu," Y/n said a little unsure to directly tell him about the miraculous so she asked his name, "I certainly am". The old man said your eyes widened and then you sat on the floor folding your knees, while the window opened.

"Umm sir, I think this belongs to you." You said pushing the box slightly forward when Master fu looked at it his eyes widened in surprise "b-but how d-do you have it, I can't-t believe it." The old man said stuttering in between his words, "umm sir I don't know from where it came but this is my mother's she had it before.....she headed to heaven," Y/n said with a little sadness at the last part.

"Oh forgive me miss but what is your mother's name." "Umm, her name is

M/n (mother's name), was she a-a miraculous holder or something because I always have small dreams about her which I can never finish but it looks like my mom wanted to tell me something," Y/n said slowly thinking about what is the meaning of miraculous holder. At that name and that sentence manager fu's eyes widened he could not believe what he was hearing.

Master fu's POV

What it can't be the truth I know that

Y/n's mom died and the miraculous disappeared but I did not know it came back to m/n but how. It is the most powerful miraculous but could it be that y/n is.........no-no but she can be because she is getting dreams maybe I can believe her but what if she turns out to be just like hawkmoth and xio.......no I must not take his name. Master fu said to himself. He saw the 10-year-old girl waving her hand in front of his face "um excuse me sir are you okay". Y/n said in a soft tone. While master fu nodded.

Y/n's POV

this old man they look familiar as if they appeared in my dream but when, huh who is that woman on the street looks like I have seen her in my dream also but who is she...........

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