The runs are off.

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I looked at them and Rafael is blind folded as Emil spins him around with a bowling ball.
'Oh god this is going to end very poorly.'
"Aaaand.... bowl!"
Rafael throws the ball as he runs into the ball return which makes Emil laugh and me cover my mouth.
'Oh god he is definitely going to get himself killed.'
"How'd I do?" He asked as he stands up still blindfolded.
"Wonderfully bad!"
I got up and rushed over as Teddy walked up to them and began to talk.
"Hey, Emil, I....." he began but cut himself off when he sees Rafael taking the blind fold off. "Wait. Where do I know you from?"
"Maybe this will ring your bell. We don't know how to swim, and bikes we do not ride, 'cause at computer camp Wihana we never go outside." He finished the song by saying boo as he touched Teddy's nose, which Emil copies but added me into the mix.
"Rafa? You look... different. Like you started going outside."
"Yeah, well you spend a lot of time outside when you're waiting by the mailbox, right?" He said before laughing like it was some joke but I could tell was an obvious cover up.
'Ok I really don't like the feel of this dude.'
"I'm just kidding. I joined an ultimate frisbee league, which we all know is a gateway to extreme sports." He told
"Is it?" Teddy asked
"It is." Emil stated
"It's not." I told
"Well, it's good to see you, man. Oh and, I'm sorry about not getting back to you on the last letter or two." He told
"Two? It was a little more then two." Rafael told like he was ready to snap before taking a deep breath and acted like nothing happened. "Uh, you know what? That was in the past. I'm not mad about it. And if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have met this cool guy. Turkey tap!"
"Jock block!" Emil exclaimed as he hit Rafael's away.
"You didn't tell me there was a 'jock block'!"
"Of course there is a jock block." Rafael told
"Wait, so you guys like friends now?"
"Yeah, I felt bad for Rafael so I put in a little effort and wrote him an email. Turns out he is awesome."
"No, bro, you're awesome."
"No, wait...." Emil began
"We're awesome!" They both exclaimed.
"I've been ignored the whole time. Makes me feel special." I told with sarcasm easily known.
"Okay. Well, I guess we could all hang out and do something maybe...." he began only to get cut off by Rafael.
"Or, we could fire up the 'barbecue runs' livestream."
"It is about to start!" Emil exclaimed.
They rushed over to the chairs and I followed sitting down on the couch, not really being able to see the screen.
'Great. Can feel the love.'

"Sad day in the Stank Nation. It's about Daryl's grandma."
"She's gone...gonna cancel the Backyard Barbecue Runs."
"Yeah. She's being a butt-knuckle and won't let us fill her backyard with bbq sauce just because we 'never clean it up'."
"So the "bbq runs" are officially done-zo. You can rub your own feet tonight, Grandma!"
A Hemi Walker was thrown towards them and it misses, having Stankman takes a fighting position as Daryl hides behind him.

"The runs are off? But I have been looking forward to it for months." Emil told as he looked disappointed.
"It's ok Emil. Do you need a hug?" I asked
He gave a nod but before I could Rafael was quick to beat me to it by giving him a 'guy hug'.
'Ok then. Getting the message loud and clear.'
"Well, I guess you guys could come watch Manatee Manor with me." Teddy suggested.
"Or, here's a good idea. Ultimate frisbee!" He asked as he stood up.
Emil became excited and stands up as well.
"Will you throw me a scoober?" Emil asked
"Of course I'll throw you a scoober!"
They ran off and I stayed sitting on the couch and looked down.
"What the heck is a scoober?" Teddy asked
"It's a frisbee throwing style, in which the disc is held upside-down with a forehand grip and thrown in front of and across the body." I told
"Why do you know that?"
"I had to learn it for this thing I did."
"What thing?"
"I ain't no snitch!" I joked to hide my sadness.
"You ok Mia? You seem hurt."
"Peachy. Come on, I might as well join you since I'm clearly not wanted with them." I told as I stood up and walked to Teddy's room.
'I just want to go into a deep hole and stay there.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now