The golden phone.

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(Emil p.o.v)

I followed after Amelia to see if we could cheer Teddy up when Amelia got a call.
"I got to take this."
"I can wait if you like."
"No I'm fine dude. Besides he is more mad at you then me, so go."
I headed to Teddy to see he was really upset about the whole ticket situation.
"Teddy, I am so sorry you did not win the contest. I just cannot help thinking that I may have played a small part." I said once I was near him.
"I can't help thinking that either."
"Luckily, I have conducted a brilliant scheme to sneak us into Fillmore. Just like Stank Man and Daryl did to heckle Julie Andrews at the Kennedy Centre Honours. We simply create a diversion by lighting our farts to set off firecrackers!"
"Why wouldn't we just light the fire crackers directly? And why am I even talking about this? We should not need a scheme. You are a stinking prince, you had Fillmore perform in your own living room."
"Technically it was a grand hall, which is more of a formal....."
"Doesn't matter! The whole thing is ruined anyway."
"What do you mean the whole thing is ruined?"
"The second ticket was going to be Amelias birthday present and you went and ruined it."
"Teddy I did not know...."
"Because I wanted it to be a surprise for her and you being in love with her, would have spilt it. Multiple times you have nearly told her and she is even working out the promise."
"Now I feel even worse."
"You're a prince. Can't you just snap your fingers together and have someone bring us the tickets?"
"Oh, Teddy. It is not as easy as just snapping my fingers." I explained before grabbing a golden phone from my pocket showing him. "I would have to pull out this phone and press that button."
"What? What is that?"
"This is how you access the royal VVIP network. It...."I paused quickly when a couple walks past before continuing. "It is an exclusive service for royals to order anything their hearts desire. Which we can not use."
"What? Yes we can!"
"Yes we can what?" Amelia asked as she walked up.
"Emil is making up for making me lose the tickets."
"He is going to use that golden phone and get some."
"No, no, no, no, no. It's very important that I keep a low profile. If my identity is revealed, I would have to leave America. And I don't exactly want to be leaving anytime soon."
"That's a risk I'm willing to take."
"Teddy! Emil made a mistake, but risking his identity is going too far. I have no clue what the whole thing is about, but I'm sure we can figure out another way for you to get the tickets."
"He has a exclusive network that he can use to get those tickets."
"A network?" She questioned which made me smile.
'Even when confused she can be adorable."
"The VVIP network is supposed to be discreet, but recently, there have been some leaks. That is how we know King Archibald was born with a tail." I told gesturing a tail behind me as I said it.
"Oh I remember that episode. I felt really bad for the king when it was leaked."
'She is just so perfect. But I promised."
"Wait what?"
"You order one pair of shorts with a custom tail pocket and suddenly your reputation is ruined."
"Yeah like that whole thing is bogus. It's a thing that happens to people all the time yet his reputation gets ruined cause turns out he has one." Amelia ranted.
"Exactly. I think stuff like that should be kept hidden from the public and the person who leaked it obviously should get fired for what happened."
"Never mind that. It's only just three tickets. No one is going to notice."
"Wait three? Why three?"
"I wanted to win the tickets so we could see the show together as a birthday present."
"Teddy you shouldn't have. No really you should not have done that."
"What? Why, you love Fillmore?"
"Because if it could put Emils identity at risk then I don't want the ticket in the first place. Happy birthday Amelia, here is a ticket Emil helped get but because he had help get it, he has to bugger off back to the moose land." She said making me smile at her more.
'She called it moose land. I really wish that the promise wasn't in place. But I do need to make it up to Teddy.'
"I suppose since it's my fault for your loss, I am honour bound to make it right."
"Yes! I mean, you lose your honour and what's left? Besides I did say I would keep the promise a secret for now. Wouldn't it be bad if she found out what it was."
"Yes it would be bad." I agreed which mad Amelia slap us both.
"Teddy, do not manipulate Emil. Emil, do not think me knowing what the promise is would be bad. Legit I just want to know how I'm involved. I actually don't care what it is unless it's about killing me then I will care. Seriously if Emil has to go home because of this I'm blaming you Teddy." She told before walking out of the place.
'I have to go after her.'
I began to go after her when Teddy called to me.
"Emil! Where are you going?!"
"I'm making sure she is ok. I will be back and then we can buy the tickets then." I told before running after her.
She turned around and it made her trip backwards. I quickly caught her and fell with her making sure she was protected from it.
'I'm going to definitely get a bruise from this. As long as Amelia isn't hurt then I am fine with it.'
"Are you ok Emil?! Why would you do that?"
"It doesn't matter if I'm hurt. I just wanted to make sure you weren't. Did you get hurt?"
"No I'm fine. Thank you for it. But, you are an idiot for doing what you did."
"Guess I can be your like a friend way of course. Cause that is what we are. friends."
"Dude, did the fall make a few screws go lose?"
"What screws?"
"Ok come on. Let me take you to my place so I can help assess the situation."
"I promise I'm fine."
"Still doesn't hurt to see."
She got up and helped me up when I felt a sudden pain in my arm.
'Oh this is probably not good.'
"See. It's best to check." She told before we made her way to her house.
When we got to her place she unlocked the door and brought me in, which made me realise....
'I've never actually been in her house before now. Just play it cool Emil.'
"Welcome to my home. Now up to the bathroom."
She made her way to the stairs and I was just lost in thought.
'Just take a deep breath. She doesn't know what you and Teddy promised one another.'
"Emil? Are you ok?"
"Oh, yes....just.....thinking."
"I don't exactly want you to fall down the stairs now. Here I'll hold your hand so I know if your slowing down." She told before holding my hand.
I could feel my face heating up making me realise I was blushing.
'I got to control this so she doesn't find out.'
We headed up the stairs and walked past multiple doors till we go to the bathroom. We got in and she put me on a stool so she can check me.
"Emil are you good? Are you catching a cold?" She asked with a worried tone before placing her hand against my forehead.
"You are warm. Maybe a wet cloth with help cool you down? But if he is sick cold water could make it worse, and hot water will get make him more hot and then he will be uncomfortable and not able to rest. Maybe cold water for a few minutes and then a hot one to make him warm again. But going back and forth could put his body in shock...."
'She is acting so cute right now but I need to not let her know.'
"Amelia.... look at me." I finally said as I grabbed her hand.
"I am perfectly fine. Just a bit sore from protecting you, and being slapped by you. Thank you for worrying about me, I really do appreciate it." I told her before kissing the back of her hand.
'WHY DID I JUST DO THAT?! Stupid stupid stupid stupid stu.....'
"Emil, you are so weird." She said before giggling.
"I'm glad you are no longer upset about earlier."
"Upset is an emotion that is easy to hide. Also one to be easily be taken away."
"Amelia you are a mysterious person. And I think that's one of the many things I like about you."
"Thanks Emil. You know, I can't think what my life would be like if you didn't show up when you did."
"Probably would be good for Teddy and his year." I told trying to hide my sadness.
"But that's the thing with years. They can either be good or bad. My years haven't been mostly good but now that I know you my year has already been better. Teddy might not know it yet but you will also be the best thing to have happened to him."
" you want to know what the promise I made to Teddy was?"
'But....she..... what?'
"I don't want to know what the promise is about. Just how I am involved."
"Teddy went brother mode."
She was silent till she took a deep breath.
" ok?"
'Oh no.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें