I ain't doing that!

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(Amelia p.o.v.)

It's been a week or so from when we went camping.... I think at least. Things have been good. Me and Emil have gotten closer in knowing one another, and also Teddy has been glaring at Emil more then usual. I don't question it since Teddy does glare at people a lot. I was working at the bowling alley and me and Regina were competing on who wouldn't clean the sink.
'Glad to be working today... I think.'
"Come on Amelia. The sink needs to be cleaned."
"I am not dealing with that."
"You work for me."
"Regina I ain't cleaning the sink. You spend more time in there then me."
"Someone needs to clean it."
"Then you do it."
"I'm not dealing with that."
"Then let's have this chat again next year."
"Probably best."
I walked over to the tables to grab the dirty plates when we heard Teddy upstairs.
"I swear that boy just doesn't know what an inside voice is." I said to myself.
I was carrying all of the plates to the kitchen when Emil walked down the stairs.
'Wonder what that was about.'
I came back out to see Emil looking sad.
"Emil!" I shouted making him turn his head to me.
"Yes Amelia?"
"Wanna hang after I finish my shift?"
He gave a smile and it made me smile back.
"I would love to."
"Cool. I should be done in an hour." I said before leaving walking to collect more plates.

~an hour later~

I had just finished my shift and I was thankful.
'Now I can just relax and hang out with Emil.'
I walked out of the kitchen to see Emil get upset at his tablet.
'Guess things are going wrong for him.'
I walked over and I finally saw what he was wearing.
"Emil? What the ever loving hell are you wearing?"
"They are my official shorts for the leg wrestling tournament."
"I don't mean to sound rude. But, this whole thing is just too much legs. Just saying. Is that why your sad? Because your shorts shrunk?"
"No it's cause of Iagos butt."
"Ok then. What's wrong then?"
"No nothing is wrong. How about you Amelia?"
"I'm good. It's good that someone other then my fam know about the secret." I whispered the last part.
Regina walked over and noticed that Emil was looking sad.
"Emil you look like how Teddy looks when schools cancelled."
"Oh. I'll fix it." He told before showing a really sad smile.
"Emil you look creepy." I explained
"Oh Amelia. A lady by the name Tracy is looking for you."
"Oh I better quickly deal with that then. I'll be back." I explained before rushing to find her. When I found her she was her cheery self like usual.
"Amelia there you are."
"Tracy why are you at my work place?"
"Because I needed to tell you something. The show has been postponed but we are being cast in Fillmore when it's in town in a month or so."
"Wait all of us?"
"No just you and me. They were looking for people our age to play the children of them. We will be getting understudies and this could make us be known."
"I've always dreamt of being in Fillmore. But wait. How are we being casted?"
"Well they were looking for two girls our ages and you remember during auditions when those people we didn't know were there and left after you performed."
"Yes. I thought I bombed that audition because of that performance."
"Well turns out they are the ones running the show and they were so impressed with us they casted us. Can you believe this?!"
"This is unbelievable. We have to celebrate some time."
"How bout now?"
"I can't. My friend Emil is upset and I already promised I would spend time with him. How about later this week?"
"For sure. Well I gotta bounce and start rehearsal at home."
"See ya Tracy." I said before she ran off leaving me where we were just talking.
'Well back to the sad sack.'
I walked over and as soon as Emil saw me he began to smile which made me smile.
"I am now back from my side hustle."
"How about we leg wrestle?" He asked as he pulled up tiny shorts to match his.
"Emil, I'm gonna be honest. I ain't doing that!"
He got a frown on his face and slumped back onto the couch looking like a hurt puppy.
'Oh....I probably should have been nicer about it.'
"Emil, I didn't mean to hurt you feelings."
"It's not your fault Amelia."
"What's wrong then?"
"I guess I'm just a bit homesick. This is the first leg wrestling competition that I will be missing."
"Oh Emil I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm here for you. Do you need to rest your head?"
"Why would I need to rest my head?"
"It's a thing my brother did whenever I was sad and needed to help clear my mind. Now come on rest your head on my lap and have your face, face the ceiling."
He did as I said but was a bit hesitate on it. He looked up and me and gave me a cheeky smile. I smiled back and I could see he began to blush.
'Most likely cause it's awkward for him.'
"Now I will ask is it ok if I touch your face especially near the eyes?"
"Uhhh yes."
"Ok. Now close your eyes and just relax."
I began to run my fingers in circles around his eyes and could tell he was beginning to relax.
'I'm glad this is working for him.'
"Amelia can I ask you a question?"
"When did you learn this?"
"Oh, I just got it off my brother who learnt it from somewhere. It helped me a lot and now it's helping you."
"He seemed like a good man. I wish I could have met him." He said opening his eyes to look at me.
"I wish you could have as well. He would have liked you and your weirdness. Oh you have an eyelash let me get it off for you." I told before moving closer to get it off.
Our noses brushed together and I could feel my face heat up a second or two. I lifted my head a little to look at him once I got it off and I just smiled.
"All gone."
"Thank you Amelia." He said smiling his own smile ignoring his own blush.
"No problem...."
He sprung up and we both turned to see Teddy in the doorway looking mad.
"Teddy it's not what you think!"
"You promised!"
"I have not broken it!"
"It seems like you did just then!"
"It was an eyelash!"
"Yeah that's what they all say!"
I grabbed the heavy thick book I keep behind the couch and dropped it on the coffee table. They both stopped bickering and I was glaring at them both.
"Teddy, Emil. I do not know what either of you are talking about, but I do know this. It has to do with me and I will tell you now Teddy nothing was happening like you probably thought. I was relaxing Emil because he was upset about missing the leg wrestling tournament."
"Amelia I....."
"No Teddy! I don't know why, but ever since we came back from camp you've been acting weird and I don't know if I did something wrong, if Emil did, or it's just cause your upset that you didn't get to ask Sydney out. But do not get mad at Emil for doing nothing!" I shouted before storming home.
'Wished he just stayed in his room.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now