April Fool's

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We were walking to the cabin freezing our arses off when Teddy spoke to me.
"Thanks for coming along with me. I know you would have rather spent time with Emil then coming and spending the night in the cold."
"It's not big deal dude. Besides I feel better knowing you aren't left with Braughner in a cabin. And I will always enjoy spending time with you no matter what."
We made our way inside the cabin and I closed the door thankful that it was warm in the cabin.
'Thank god for that.'
"Welcome to our family getaway. Lemme show you around. This is it." She told before walking over to the table.
As she placed the lantern on there Teddy saw the covered hole and got excited.
"Oh hey. Is this the fishing hole?" He asked as he lift the cover off to see.
"Can't see anything down there. Would hate to fall in."
"Yeah, and the toilet."
"Your waiting outside if I gotta go dude."
He placed the cover off to the side and placed Rob down before turning back towards us.
"Well, in spite of that, this is perfect. Thanks, Braughner."
"Yeah it's quite nice here."
"You got it, T-money and Mia."
"Still can't work a nickname for me can you."
"No I can not." She told before she grabbed a mallomar and began to eat it. "Mmm. This is some good mallow."
We looked at her confused which made Teddy speak.
"Is that a king-sized mallomar?"
She gave a nod before we moved closer to her.
"I didn't give you one of those." He told as he went to reach for it but she moved out of the way.
"You didn't. I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you..." she began as she moved towards the door and took another bite. "I got an offer that I couldn't refuse. Classic Braughner backstab. See you at school tomorrow!" She told before leaving the cabin.
"We are screwed aren't we." I told
"Oh, no." He told before grabbing Rob as the window opened to show Regina.
"Hey Regina. Fancy seeing you here."
"Welcome to the ultimate April Fool's prank shack." She told before she fell out of sight.
Emile head popped into the window giving a smile making me smile.
"How fun is this? Also hi fair Amelia."
"Hey Emil. Wanna open the door for us?"
"Oh I would love to but I can not."
Regina moved him out of the way a bit to show her own face again and I knew this was not going to end well.
"What are you guys doing? You don't have to do this."
"No. But we want to."
Teddy ran to the door to escape but was electrocuted. He took a few steps back which broke a rope which made a rubber chicken shot towards us. I ducked as it hit him making him fall onto a whoopee cushion. He quickly got up and moved forward to place his hand on the chest only to set off all the mousetraps that were placed there. He shook his hand off and moved to stand in front of the closet which opened to show a boxing glove with a sticky note on it.
"Don't turn around?" He read before following it.
Once he fully turned around Regina and Emil began to spray silky string all over us making his foot get stuck in a bucket. He stumbled back which made the boxing glove spring out and punch him making Rob fly. I extended my arms out and caught Rob only to step on some of the silly string and slip so I fell to the ground dropping Rob to the ground before he fell into the hole.
"Teddy I am so sorry." I told as he dropped to the ground as the others rushed in.
"My project. It's gone!"
"It was an accident." Emil told
"We're so sorry! We were just trying to help you not tinker!"
"This can't be happening. Now I won't be able to get into the Tech Fair...which means I'll never get to get into MIT." He told as he began to cry.
"I'm so sorry that I dropped him Teddy!" I told as I began to cry as well.
Emil and Regina fell down with us and began to cry from the prank gone wrong.
"I am a horrible mother."
"We are not good people."
"All my dreams... down the toilet... literally."
"This all happened because of pranking."
We continued to cry till me and Teddy began to laugh.
"April Fool's, suckas!" We both shouted
"What? This was a prank?!" Regina asked
"Oh! And it was vicious!" He told as we stood up.
"They were like 'oh look at us we ruined Teddys year. We are horrible people.' The look on your faces is priceless."
Emil stood up and looked really confused.
"You destroyed your project for a prank?!" He asked as Regina stood up to join sharing the same look.
"Of course not. That robot was merely a 7/8th scale replica of the original! I can't believe you guys didn't notice."
"Pretty sure you should believe that."
"I turned my real project in weeks ago. I didn't want to over-tinker."
"And I didn't want to over-enable him."
"Seriously?!" Regina asked
"Everyone's always saying, 'Teddy can't prank, even though he's a super genius and super ripped.'"
"I'm sorry who's saying that?"
"Actually, I have said all of those things."
"So this year, I decided to flee my bulging prank muscles. I played the hapless rube all day with help from Mia of course, then recruited Braughner, knowing she'd escalate things and eventually betray us."
"I told him she 100% will do that."
"A classic Braughner backstab." Emil said
"I do not trust that girl."
"Yeah, you really shouldn't."
"Like seriously don't." I told
"Anyway, I just had to make you think you destroyed my project, and it would hit you where it hurt the most... right in the feels. You know, the only thing I didn't see coming was... how much fun this was gonna be! I got you, oh, yeah."
"Amelia you were in on this? But you hate pranks." Regina told
"I do but when Emil pranked me I decide I would accept the deal to help Teddy. This was a one off I will punch you if you guys try to prank me still."
"I totally believed you were crying. You could be a great actor." Emil told
"Me and acting as if."
He kept dancing till his watch began to beep making him look at it before us.
"Oh, look! And it's midnight! Which means April fool's day ends with Teddy and Amelia on top."
He began to leave but stopped when Emil spoke."
"Well, at least until next year."
"No. No next year,"
"Oh yeah. And you set the bar really high!" Regina told
"Oh, we should start planning now!"
"No, no planning!"
"You messed you big dude."
"What do you think Teddy is scared of the most?"
"Crows! Definitely crows!" Regina exclaimed as they got excited.
"Yes, we will get a murder of crows. Come on Amelia I want you to be with us while we plan." Emil told as he took my hand as we ran out.
"No! No crows! No murder! Guys?" He shouted as he ran after us.
'I'm glad mum went off on her business trip. I would hate to have not been here for this.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin