Just keep it cool.

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(Emils p.o.v)

I was sitting around the campfire with everyone else as truth or dare was playing. I was looking at my hand that was once intertwined with Amelias just before and had wished she didn't let go.
'Am I doing something wrong? I felt a spark between us but maybe I'm the only one that felt that.... but we had that moment...she thinks my eyes are nice.'
"Ok, truth. My biggest secret is.... I hate playing the violin." Sydney said
"No way."
"I only do it cause my mums make me. This might sound crazy, but....I kind of want to be a DJ. Is that crazy? It's crazy. I mean it's crazy, right? Oh my gosh I sound crazy."
"Nah girl, follow your dreams." Tanner told her
"Thanks Tanner."
"I also have a dream. One day, I want to climb Mountain Dew. Hey! Who wants to hear me learn how to play guitar?" He asked standing up with everyone following him.
I stayed in my seat and continued to look at my hand.
'Maybe she is just acting nice... she did seem to change when she learnt about my status.'
"Hey, you seem distracted. You ok?"
"Truth. I'm not ok." I said as I stood up next to her. "I feel terrible that I dragged Teddy and Amelia here and they're not enjoying themselves. I was hoping this trip would bring Teddy and I together like magnets, but instead it just pushed us apart...also like magnets. I was also hoping Amelia and I got to become closer and I got to see her old self, but she looks to be hating this whole trip. Maybe I simply wasn't meant to have friends."
"What are you talking about? We're friends." She said making me smile. She walked over to the seats and we sat down and she continued talking. "You know, when Teddy, Amelia and I were younger, we all used to hang out a lot. But then I got into an all girls school, he got into robots and there's just not a lot of crossover there... and Amelia got into the car accident with her brother all because of their dad."
"Amelia has never mentioned her dad or that her brother was in the same accident... did her dad die in the accident?" I asked with a worried tone.
"Oh no she probably wishes though. But no one really knows about it other then, they were on the way home when a drunk driver swerved into their lane hitting them into the lake like 60 miles up north from here. They probably would have died if it wasn't for the prisoners cleaning up the side of the road disobeying the guards on duty to go save them." Sydney explained before getting a sad look on her face. "After all that and she got out of the hospital, Amelia wasn't the same cheerful girl she was. Also made more threats to punch people but always for helping people out. Honestly, I think with Teddy he needs someone like you to give him a push. And Amelia...I think she needs someone to show her she doesn't have to hide her old self or to keep everything hidden. We've tried but she won't even tell us what club she is apart of."
"You are right!" I said standing up. "I will wear them down with my relentless charms until they have no choice but to succumb to our inevitable friendship, and get Amelia back to her non secret self with less threatening to punch people even though I find it adorable." I said before running over to her.


(Amelia p.o.v)
I was reading my script in my tent trying to remember my lines.
'Why did we have to be doing Hairspray? I don't think I can play Penny. I can't remember her lines other then "I'm very pleased and scared to be here." God couldn't I have gotten a dancer and a smaller role?"
There was some tapping on my door making me quickly hide my script.
"Ah come in?"
The door was unzipped and Emils faced popped in.
"Want some company?"
"What I could use is something to have me remember things. But I guess you will have to do." He stepped in and closed the door sitting next to me
'Please don't find the script!'
"So what are you doing in a tent like this your highness?" I asked trying to keep my cool about the hidden secret I have in the tent.
"Just wanted to tell you that the stars are looking wonderful."
"Yeah right. It's been cloudy for most of the night. So how do you like the camping trip?"
"Actually I haven't been liking it as much as I had hoped." He told with a sad look.
"Why what happened? Who the hell do I need to punch?!" I asked as I began to get up.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down beside him.
"No, no one needs to be punched. My two friends don't seem to seem to be enjoying the trip."
"Oh Emil. It's not your fault. I haven't been camping for awhile...."
"How long ago?"
"6 years." I said not making eye contact.
"Amelia....why didn't you tell me it was that long ago?"
"I didn't want you to feel bad about dragging me here. It was always our thing as siblings. And then it changed."
"Sydney told me about the accident. Apparently it was your dads fault."
"Yeah. He hasn't been in my life for most of it and I haven't seen him for 6 years since that day. I'm sorry that me reminiscing and Teddy being a robot with no emotions has ruined your trip Emil."
"I mean....The night is not over just yet."
"What do you mean?"
"We still have to find Teddy. He went into the woods after we all went to the campfire and you came in here. So let's go find him." He said as he stood up offering his hand to me again.
"Ok Emil. Let's go find our robotic friend." I said accepting his offer.
'As long as I don't visit our special spot then it will be fine.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now