You two need to talk.

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We walked into the room and I could tell Emil was a bit nervous about the situation.
"Hello, Teddy, I just wanted to say that I am sorry about my earlier 'bro-posal'." He told making Teddy look over at us.
He let out a sigh of relief before he talked.
"It is painfully clear to me now that I simply did not go big enough." Emil told as he smiled.
"What? No! I don't want a bro-posal. And I don't want to wear a weird bro-celet. And why do you have to put the word 'bro' in front of everything?" Teddy exclaimed.
"Because it is more bro-mantic that way." We told making Emil smile.
"You embarrassed me in front of the whole school. Everyone was laughing at me. Even the science teacher."
"Mr.Buttsnifft?" Emil asked
"Exactly! I was laughed at by a guy named buttsnifft!"
"The fact he hasn't legally changed it is quite troublesome." I told only for the usual to happen.
"Lucky for you, I'm willing to forgive you, so we can get started in watching Manatee Manor." Teddy told making me facepalm.
"Forgive... me? You were the one who left me hanging. And I do not even want to watch that show! As I have told you repeatedly, I want to watch the live-stream of Stank man and Daryl's 'backyard barbecue runs.' I bet you do not even remember what that is." Emil told
'Maybe this was a bad idea.'
"Sure I do. It's where Stank man and Daryl... are in a backyard... with barbecue... and they run."
"Lucky guess." Emil told before leaving the room and shutting it on us.
'Poor Emil.'
"Well then, let us begin the show." Teddy told as he headed for his chair.
"Teddy, you gotta make it up to him." I told
"Me?! I have to?!"
"Did I stutter?!"
"He is the one who embarrassed me in front of the school." He told
"Yet you are the one who isn't listening to him."
"Your just taking his side cause you two are dating."
"I'm not taking anyone's side here Teddy. You can't just have the same type of friendship that you have with me but with Emil instead."
"We get along fine."
"That's because unlike Emil, I will actually put you in your place when you start to go overboard. Yes we fight, but we both know that no matter what we will always be there for one another. You gotta work on your friendship with Emil, like we did at the start of ours. You two need to find out what works for the both of you two. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to make sure my boyfriend doesn't do anything stupid." I told before leaving to catch up with Emil.
As soon as I closed the door I turned around to see he was walking back to the room.
"I realised I had left you in the room. So I quickly came back." He told.
"Come on. Let's get ready to watch the barbecue runs." I told as I grabbed his hand.
He lead us downstairs and I could tell he was still mad about the whole thing especially when we rushed past Regina who was cleaning the glass on the counter.
"Hey, Emil and Mia."
"I'll tell you what's wrong! I have done everything I can to be Teddy's friend, and he has rebuffed all of my advances." Emil told.
'God I should not find him being mad attractive but it is.'
"Sure, I have time to talk." She told as she stood up and moved over to us.
"If you just let me...." I began only for her to cut me off.
"No Mia, you know I don't let you work while you stay here."
"There is nothing to say." Emily told.
"Okay, then I'll just...."
"Teddy and I are finished! Through! Kaput! My only regret is pre-paying for those adjoining cemetery plots." He told making us give him a confused look.
"Oh honey. What about my cemetery plot?" I asked
"Okay, we'll circle back to that one. Look Emil, I don't know what's going on between you and Teddy, but try not to take it personally. He's never been good at making friends. Or keeping friends. Or even watching the show friends. He gave up on it after the monkey left." Regina told
"He wrote this essay on how the show was ruined once the monkey left." I told
"Oh, I do not blame him for that. Every show is better with a monkey."
"If our lives were a show they would definitely be jumping up and down on a laptop to get the wi-fi back." I told trying to make Emil less mad.
"We are actually all surprised at how well him and Mia have been friends for so long." Regina told.
"That's cause I kicked him in the shin for becoming distant. It was fantastic."
"Don't feel bad. It's not the first time that Teddy's pushed a friend away. A couple years ago, Teddy hot it off with this kid, Rafael, at computer camp. They became pen pals, wrote for a couple of months, and then Teddy just all of a sudden stopped writing. But Rafael...he never stopped." She told as they walked over to the counter and pulled this big stack of envelopes out from behind the counter.
"Oh my, that is a big stack of sad. You know what? I will email this Rafael and let him know that he shakily save his heart and his stamps for someone more deserving. You know, back in Buronia if you see a moose limping, you are duty bound to put it out of its misery." Emily told as he showed what they were to do.
"The poor moose was just limping!" Regina exclaimed as I shared a shocked look.
"Yes. Which is why you have to secure the leg and remove the thorn from its hoof." He told as he repeated the actions while he told us what they were.
"Okay, Emil. That is not what that looks like."
"Good form for what farmers need to do with animals." I told
"You know so much." Emil said as he smiled.
"Thank you."
"The fact you two are so different yet work is very confusing." Regina told before walking off.
"Well you are absolutely gorgeous." He told as he pulled me into a hug.
"And you are absolutely handsome." I told back.
I could tell he was about to try and kiss me which I quickly stopped.
"Not here."
"Ok." He told before he kissed my forehead. "I'm going to send him an email quickly."
"You do that."
'He is great.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now