Getting ready.

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This is the dress Amelia will be wearing

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This is the dress Amelia will be wearing.

I was behind my screen as Sydney chilled on my bed.
"You know, Im actually really excited about tonight. What about you Mia?"
"Oh you know. Thinking of ways to get out of tonight."
"Mia. Answer seriously."
"It doesn't matter if I'm excited or not. It's Teddys birthday gift for me I can't exactly decline it. I tried but didn't work."
"I'm glad you've opened up more. I see Emil has really been helping you."
'Kinda cause he knows about Jacob.'
"Yeah well he is a good dude."
"You know he is also really cute." She said making me pop my head out from behind my screen.
"Dude your with Tanner."
"Yes. But he is cute, no way you don't see that."
"Well yeah but even so, I don't see him that way."
"So you wouldn't care that Betty was thinking of asking him out."
"Betty can do the hell she wants. Just means imma throw something towards her."
"So you do like him."
'I don't even really know if I do or don't.'
"Dude, I ain't sure man. I mean he is sweet and cute but I have no clue what it's like to have a crush on someone."
"Well, have you tried asking Jacob?"
"Would rather not with this." I told as I finally moved out from behind the screen.
"Well what do you feel when your with him?"
'How do I feel?'
"Well I feel like......I feel like he is the only person that can....that can make me walk on air when I'm around. Especially when he makes this weird laughing noise but it makes me giddy." I told before I realised.
I moved to the bed and sat down in shock at what I have just learnt.
"Woah. Mia you know what this means."
"That I have fallen for Emil. Why did this have to happen to me?" I exclaimed as I put my head in my hands and fell back onto the bed.
"You gotta tell him."
"No. I am not gonna do that."
"Mia, you can't repress your feelings for him."
"I'm not gonna do that. I'm just gotta gather them all up and push them way down till they wither and die."
"That's repression."
"That's what repression means?"
"Mia, it's ok to have these feelings."
"For someone who isn't here permanently. He is here for a year and then back to the moose land."
"Well you two could always try long distance."
"You do realise to try that we have to actually be in a relationship. Besides he doesn't like me like that."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. This is Emil we are talking about. Besides I'm not gonna bother with it since we are on two different levels. Like he is up here and I'm down here. I would be at the bottom of commoners while he would be above it."
"Well if you think that way then it won't happen."
'What am I going to do? This is why I told you, denial is everything. We couldn't exactly be in denial forever with our feelings towards Emil. We should have known sooner I mean we did kiss him on his cheek. Yeah in a your my best friends way. That's not how friendships work dude. That's it I'm getting air. How can you get air we are in a brain?! And they left. I really gotta stop talking to myself in my brain this is not exactly healthy.'

(Emil p.o.v)

I was pacing back and forth in the room while Teddy was working on his robot again.
"You should just chill."
"But I am going to see Fillmore with fair Amelia. This could be kinda counted as a date."
"Woah there. This isn't a date with Mia. Its friends coming to hang out with one another. Besides we've been over this. She is out of your league and you are out of her league with money."
"I would give up my kingdom if that's what it took."
"Emil. This is just puppy love. You will get over it and I don't want Mia to be hurt by you leaving. It's better to just bottle everything up, push it down and ignore them."
"I believe that's called repression...."
"I know what repression means. Besides even if she did like you I've said no to it and that's final. Since Jacob isn't here, he cant give his two cents on it so mine is to be followed. You promised."
"You are right Teddy. Amelia deserves better then me." I said as I sat on my bed.
"Glad your seeing the picture. Well I should go pick the girls up from Mia's place." He said before leaving.
'I wish I never promised it to begin with. It was the biggest mistake I ever made and now I can never tell Amelia how I feel. This is going to be the death of me.'
I was looking at my phone and came across the picture Amelia took of us on the camping trip making me smile.
'She is amazing.'
I kept going through my photos like the one at the piggy spank only to stop at the one taken on the night of the bowling tournament. I smiled when I looked at the photo of us and remembered back at that night.
'She just had to put ice cream on our noses and we just had to do the same. I just can not believe I had gone so long without knowing her and now that I do.... I don't want her out of it.'
While I was looking at my phone I decided to set the picture as my background so that way I could always see my friends. I got a text saying Teddy was back with the girls and I made my way to them. I was heading down the stairs and I saw the dress Amelia was wearing.
I rushed over to them and I couldn't stop smiling. "Sydney you look lovely."
"Thanks Emil. What do you think of Amelia?"
"Stunning..... I mean you look absolutely stunning."
"You two.....I mean you look handsome."
'Even when flustered she is adorable. I really need to talk about the promise with Teddy."
"Aw my baby's are all grown up!" Regina exclaimed as she pulled us minus Sydney into a hug.
"Regina I'm not your kid."
"Yes you are you even called me mum."
"Yeah as a joke."
"Well we should head off so we can get there on time." Sydney told getting us out of her grip.
"Wait! I need a picture of this."
We all grouped up together and I was standing next to Amelia.
'Tonight is going to be great.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now