Well this is a surprise

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I was relaxing in my room after the party when I got a call from Emil.

"Emil? Did something happen? Is everything ok at the house?"
"No not exactly."
"Then why the call so late?"
"Well it was meant to be earlier but it took longer setting it up then I thought."
"Set what up?"
"First I want you to look out the window."

I had a confused look on my face as I headed to the window and opened it to see Emil standing there with his signature smile. He gave a little wave and I gave one back.

"You know if my mum was to look outside she is gonna think a creep is in her yard."
"Well then it's best if you hurry down so I can show you the surprise."
"You got yourself a deal."

I hung up the phone before putting some flats on and rushed downstairs being as quite as possible. I made my way outside and stood in front of him sharing the same smile on his face.
"Does Regina know you're doing this?"
"Somewhat. But anyway, I have to cover those beautiful eyes of yours so the surprise isn't ruined." He told as he grabbed a bandanna showing it to me.
"Do you not trust me?" I asked as I turned around to allow him to tie it.
"Of course I trust you fair Amelia. I just want to see the surprised look on your face." He told.
"I trust you." I told before grabbing ahold of his arm and hand.
He lead me to the spot and made sure I was standing perfectly fine.
"You ready?"
"If it's with you, then always." I told.
He undid the bandanna and I blinked a few times to help me adjust to the sudden light. Once I was able to see I looked around to see my secret hide out covered in fairy lights with a little picnic and pillows set up, and a telescope from Reginas to look at the stars with.
"Emil what's this for?" I asked as I turned to look at him.
"Well you said to me today about how you would have me plan your birthday party if you were to ever have one. And since I know you won't be telling me any time soon I thought I would just throw you one on a random date. But then I learnt you a younger then me so I knew I had a chance to get it correct. So I figured that your perfect birthday gift was for it to just be us looking up at the stars." He explained as he gave me a twirl.
"You did this all for me..... why?"
"Because I care for you. And you mean the world to me."
"You mean the world to me as well Emil. But I'm hungry so let's have some of the picnic shall we?"
"We shall."
We sat down and began to eat the various snacks he packed and just spent the time together looking at the stars as I explained some new constellations to him.
"Tell me about the Corvus one." He said making me look at him.
"I've already told you that one though."
"I know. But I like seeing you light up when talking about it."
"Ok then. The Corvus or the raven, represents the sacred bird of the god Apollo and myth says, Apollo tells the raven to watch over his pregnant lover Coronis, but after awhile she losses interest in the god and falls for another man. The bird reports the affair to him, he becomes angry that the raven didn't stop it, so the raven becomes cursed and has their feathers scorched black."
"That's not how you explained it the first time."
"Well I'm not going to explain it the same everytime."
"Ok then. Tell it again."
"Emil I'm not telling it again."
"Why not?"
"Because if I always tell it to you then you'll get sick and tired of hearing it."
"If your the one telling me about it then I will never get tired hearing it."
"Your too sweet Emil."
"You say that a lot."
"Well your highness what would you prefer? Would you like AM or FM?!" I asked in a fake posh accent making him laugh.
"I do not know what you are referring to but you sound quite adorable." He told making me blush as look away.
"Yeah well you say that a lot. So was this all you got planned in the time it managed to take you to make this?"
"I had one other thing planned." He told as he stood up and moved the telescope.
"Yeah like what?"
He grabbed his phone and put the music on quite so only we could hear it before he offered a hand to me.
"Care you dance, fair Amelia?"
"I would love to." I told as I accepted his hand.
He placed my left hand on his shoulder before he placed his on my waist and grabbed my right hand and held it in his. As the slow music played I could stop looking into his eyes.
"Your staring at my eyes fair Amelia."
"I can't help it. I love the colour of your eyes."
"I mean all due respect, your eye colour is way better then mine. They are simply magnificent."
"You know Emil. This is the perfect birthday party I've had in the longest time. "
"I'm glad I to have done this for you then."
I smiled at him before a shiver went down my spine when a faint breeze went by.
"Amelia are you cold?"
"Just a little. It's fine though."
"No it's simply not. Here let me help you with that." He told before he told his jacket off and placed it over my shoulders.
"Emil really it's...."
"Amelia I insist."
I put my arms through the sleeves and zipped the jacket up. We resumed position for our dance and we just stared at each other for what felt like eternity. He let go of my hand and brushed the hair out of my face before looking into my eyes again.
"Have I ever told you, that you are absolutely stunning?"
"All the time."
"Well then I'll say it again. Your absolutely stunning." He told before he began to slowly move towards me.
We were about to kiss when the music suddenly got really loud making us jump back from each other and Emil frantically turn the music off. Once he did we stayed quite till we heard no more noises from the houses around and before we began to quietly laugh.
"I should probably head to bed. And you should head home so Regina doesn't freak." I told
"That is true."
I began to take the jacket off but Emil stopped me.
"Keep it. For now at least."
"Ok. Do you need any help?"
"Na it's fine. I just need to take the telescope and picnic basket home."
"I'll see you tomorrow then." I told
"Yeah. I'm see you tomorrow."
I began to leave before stopping and turning back around. I quickly ran up to him giving him a kiss on the cheek before smiling at him.
"Thanks for the awesome birthday party, Emil. Well see ya." I told before rushing off back inside to my room.
I quietly shut my bedroom door behind me and leaned against it.
(I'm not doing the cliche thing and sigh while leaning against the door. My life isn't some romantic novel or movie/show.)
I went over to my bed and laid on it looking up at my roof remembering what as happening minutes before. I let out a sigh and then realised what I have done....
'God dang it!'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now