Go away.

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I was listening to Percy Jackson and the lightning thief musical as I worked on my essay called The sea is dying and the world is burning.
'This persuasive is so stressful. I have to make my points clear and show facts and half the articles I look into are idiots who don't believe this. This day is not getting any better. First Emil now this. My life is a roller coaster on fire right now.'
There was a knock on my trapdoor and I shouted that it was open as I paused my music. The door cracked open making me look to see it was Emil. I glared at him before continuing to type the essay.
"What do you want?"
"Well I wanted to talk to make sure things were ok between us."
"No thank you. I have work to do and don't need someone who broke their promise to help me in said work."
"Amelia, I am so...."
"Your so sorry and feel so bad to ditch me. Am I correct?"
"Well I'm not in the mood to talk about it so you are just going to have to suffer until I am."
I didn't let him finish the sentence before I pressed play on my music and went back to work. He left me alone and I let out a sigh of relief.
'Being mad at him is the worse since he gets those puppy dog eyes towards me and they make me instantly want to forgive him but I can't because then there is no point of me actually being upset at him.'
I went back to work after pushing my thoughts aside and was making some good head way when the trap door opened again.
"Teddy, I told you I really need to get this....oh it's you." I said once I turned to see it was Emil two steps away from getting into the room.
"Yes. I'm coming to join you."
"No Emil I told you I don't want to talk to you right now."
"And I'm saying we do." He told as he finished making his way in to the room.
"Emil I'm serious. Leave."
"Amelia I'm not going to leave until thing are sorted out between us."
"There is nothing to sort out. You broke your promise to me especially after I told you I wanted to talk to you about something as well but now I'm not going to tell you what it is."
"Amelia I'm so sorry. This is breaking my heart when you won't talk to me."
"Talk to you! You ignored me while you were being upset about lunch. Lunch that I gave you my spare and you wouldn't even talk to me about what happened. Out of us you are the one who isn't talking Emil."
"Me?! You never tell me anything. I hardly know much about you like your birthday or what your club is, just to name a few. Your so secretive to everyone. You haven't even told me your side of our relationship Amelia. Your stringing me along for your amusement. You tell no one anything and that's why everyone thinks your brother is alive!" He shouted.
I got tears in my eyes and I couldn't even look at him. I could be instantly regretted what he said from how his voice became.
"Amelia I...."
"Get out."
"I SAID GET OUT! LEAVE ME BE FOR ONCE EMIL!" I shouted making him leave. Once the trap door shut I began to cry as I held onto myself.
'I was right. Being in a relationship with a prince is just going to bring me pain. I have to remove myself from the equation.'

(Emils p.o.v)

It's been a whole day now and Amelia is still giving me the cold shoulder. I walked into school to see her talking to Sydney when she looked over at me. I gave her a smile and a wave which she ignored. I looked over to see mr.Spitzak working on his motorbike deciding to make my way over to him first before talking to Amelia.
"Excuse me, mr.Spitzak."
"Hey, if it isn't Phillipe Kincaid."
"It is not. Mr.Spitzak, there was a problem with the front of the line pass you sold me yesterday. Specifically, it did not work. I would like to have my $20 back, please." I told
"Oh, of course." He said before he begin to pat his pockets only to stop. "Shoot. I just gave all my cash to feed deaf penguins."
"I hear that. I just wish those poor penguins could."
"But you know what? I've got a hundred llama bucks you can spend at the school store."
"A hundred? For 20? And to think, my friend Teddy said you were a bully con artist who was pure evil. So silly." I told as we made the trade.
"Teddy Jackson said that? I haven't seen old TJ in awhile. Maybe it's about time we reconnect."
"You know, I think that would be really good for him." I told before shrieking as I ran over to the llama store to cash my llama bucks in.
'This is so exciting! Maybe I can get a I'm sorry gift for Amelia.'
"Welcome to the Spirit stand, where spirit is for sale. I'm Susie. Want a sweatshirt? Scarf? School sticker?" She asked as she stuttered causing spit to go everywhere.
"I would definitely want an umbrella."
"We are sold out sadly. Believe a shipment is coming in on Saturday." A voice told close to the ground.
I looked over to see Amelia sitting in a small lawn chair reading a book not paying attention to what was happening.
"Mia, your not meant to sit on the chair."
"Why? I'm using it for its purpose. Besides what better way to show the products in the way they are meant to be used in them for me to use the chair."
"Amelia.... what are you doing here?" I asked making her look up at me.
"Well I go to this school and I help at the store every now and then." She told as she went back to looking at the book. "So you just going to stare or actually but stuff other then the umbrella?"
"Oh yes. I will take a sweatshirt, a root beer koozie, and I definitely want the llama lawn chair." I told.
She put all the numbers together and I looked over at Amelia to see she was still reading.
'Wish it was Amelia I was buying from.'
"That will be...66,000 llama bucks." She told as she looked up at me.
"Did I stutter?"
"Well what can I get for a hundred llama bucks?" I asked which made Amelia chuckle.
"Anything from this box." She told not having her smile return as she pointed to the box.
"I suggest something useful. Everything is so expensive here it's like real economy." Amelia told as she continued to read.
"A Penny?"
"Oh. That shouldn't be in there." She told before grabbing the penny and moving it to the tub labeled 500 llama bucks.
I grabbed the llama figure puppet and looked at it in disbelief on what happened.
"I just traded 20 dollars for a finger llama?"
"Wait?! Traded?" Amelia asked before we heard a motor start.
"Enjoy the puppet, dill-rod!" Spitzak shouted as he drove past, hitting me with the towel making me scream.
"Vice principal Chipler, did you not see what he...."
"Nobody likes a narc, Kincaid."
"Oh imma show you a narc Chipler if you don't start running." Amelia told as she stood up and grabbed the chair making him run off.
I got mad at being fooled again and Amelia made a weird noise.
I began to walk off but footsteps began to head towards me making me turn around to see Amelia coming after me.
"I thought you hated me."
"Just cause I'm upset and mad at what you said to me doesn't mean I don't feel bad for what happened."
"Just leave me alone right now Amelia. I need to think about what happened."
"Yes. Because why would you talk to me about what's troubling you. Not like you get me to." She told before walking away again.
'I've made this worse between us.'

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now