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I was walking with Teddy to our lockers and we were talking about something weird.
"No I'm telling you I could definitely punch two wooded boards."
"Mia you would break your hand."
"We don't fully know that."
He just shook his head and we began to make our way to the stairs when Emil popped up from around the corner.
"Hello, Teddy and Amelia." He exclaimed making us scream.
"Jesus dude don't scare me like that."
"Why not? You looked absolutely adorable."
"Because the last time someone scared Mia they were punched."
"Teddy learnt his mistake from that."
"Duly noted."
"But anyway. What are you doing?" Teddy asked as we finally began to make our way down the stairs.
"Oh, nothing. Just casually hiding in the hall, feeling like today could be the day that changes our lives forever."
'Oh god what has he planned?'
"Oh I get it. You're excited about our date with some sassy sea cows." Teddy told which made Emil give a confused look.
"I do not know who we are going out with, but I am sure they do not want to be called that. And the only person I would love to go on a date with is Amelia." He told as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"I feel special."
"I'm talking about the new season of Manatee Manor, the hottest nature-reality show ever. One swamp. Five manatees. All drama."
'I thought we were watching the BBQ run?'
"Sounds fun, but first...."
"We can binge the whole thing this weekend if we jack ourselves up on some Spuz cola and pee in the empty cans." He told making me scrunch my face up.
"Wonderful, assuming we do not mix up the cans." Emil told making me gag. "You ok fair Amelia?"
"Yeah. Just the thought of that made me feel sick." I told.
Music began to play making us look over to the canteen to see people dressed as robots coming out of the room.
"Teddy, look! Robots! Are those not your favourite?" He asked as he separated himself from us, making me stand next to Teddy.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and hit record.
"Emil, what are you doing?"
"Oh this is gonna be good." I told with the biggest smile on my face.
"I am just as confused as you are. Guys, what the heck is all this...." he cut himself off as he joined in.
He began to dance with them and during it was handed a microphone which had Teddy go wide eye and my smile go bigger.
"No no no!"
"My name is Emil and I am here to say. That ever since I arrived in the USA. I only dreamed that there might come a day where I could be Best friends with Ted...day!"
They finished the dance and Emil grabbed the bracelet from his pocket as he went down on one knee and presented it to Teddy.
"So what do you say, buddy? Will you accept this bro-celet and be my official BFF?" He asked with hope in his eyes.
All the students began to laugh along with a teacher which made Teddy run away from us. I stopped recording and put my phone back in my pocket as I saw the heartbroken look on Emils face. Larry the llama came dancing out and pulled the rope that revealed the 'he said yes' sign before he continued to dance.
"I said to wait for my cue, Larry!" Emil shouted making him stop dancing and walk off with his head down.
I could feel everyone was still watching and laughing which made me yell.
"Unless you all want a chair to be thrown at you I suggest heading to your original destinations!" I shouted which quickly made people get back to what they were doing.
"You would really make a fierce queen." Emil told as he continued to look down at the bro-celet.
"Come here you string bean." I told as I opened my arms for him.
He gave a small smile before walking over and rested his head in the crook of my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I wish you had planned something like this for asking me out." I told making him stand up straight.
"I can plan one for you but I believe everyone knows we are already together."
"Emil is was a joke. I love the one that happened. Now come on we gotta finish the school day." I told as I grabbed his hand and we made our way to one of the many classes we have together.
After the school day was finished we headed back to the bowling alley without Teddy. Once we arrived we relaxed on the couch with my legs relaxing on him as he began to tell his father about the whole thing but he kept one hand on my leg during the whole thing.

"I am telling you, father, it was awful."
"I do not understand. Surely Larry the Llama knew when to wait for his cue!"
"We went over it several times! The last real source of my frustration is not with Larry. It is with Teddy."
"Yes well, I believe I can help you there. You see, the secret to a successful friendship is comm....."

His father was cut off by the screen freezing.

"Hello! Father?"
"What is the secret?"

The connection goes out as the tablet releases a dial tone to signal that.
"Oh father, you are the richest man in the North Sea. Why do you insist on using the free wi-fi from the village Starbucks?" Emil asked himself.
"You need a hug. Come here." I told as I opened my arms for him.
He gave me a sheepish smile before moving a bit and rested on top of me as he began to hug me back.
"Yeah well it's my job to make you feel better."
"How about a kiss then?" He asked as he looked up at me.
"Maybe later." I told making him chuckle. "Now come on I think you and Teddy need to have a little chat."
"Do we have to? I would rather stay in your arms right now."
"Yes we do. Cause after we can relax and get ready for the BBBQ runs."
"You are the best you know that." He told as he got up with me and grabbed my hand.
"Only when I wanna be." I said before we made our way to their room.

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Where stories live. Discover now