Dont tell anyone this!

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We were walking through the forest and I was trying to keep my breath steady when Emil stopped walking.
"Amelia....why don't you talk about your dad? And if someone mentions him they either want to punch him or call him a dead beat."
"I would rather not talk about it right now Emil. We've only known each other for like what....a week."
He grabbed my hand and began to rub circles on the back of my hand helping me calm down.
"I just want to make sure you are safe. Because you are important to me Amelia."
"Thanks Emil. One day I will tell you how the guy that helped create me is a massive twat." I said
'Maybe also with what happened.'
"When you are ready."
"Thanks Emil. You are a good friend."
We both looked at our hands and quickly pulled apart while I looked away to help hide my blush.
"Come on. We still got to find Teddy." I said walking down the path again.
"Uh yes. Let's go do that." He said quickly catching up to me.
We soon found Teddy walking his robot in the woods and I gave a worried look.
"That boy needs to make actual friends." I said making Emil chuckle.
Emil was about to walk up to him but I stopped him.
"Just wait. I think he is enjoying to woods finally." I said.
We watched and he began to talk to himself.
'Oh boy.'
"You know, now that we are actually getting work done...the woods are kinda peaceful." He said making me give a small smile.
The moment was quickly ruined when Emil ran over to him.
"Salmon Tail!" Emil shouted as he crouched down and slapped Teddys calves with his hands making him throw the controller.
'Yeah moment is definitely ruined.'
"Dude what are you doing? I came here to be alone!" Teddy shouted.
"That sounds sad dude."
"Well that's why I'm here. So we can be alone together."
"You better hope you didn't scratch up my controller." Teddy told him.
"Do not worry. I will get it and everything will be...." he began before he was cut of by a crushing noise.
I put my hand to my mouth as Teddy pulled up his now broken robot hanging by wires.
"You destroyed Rob!" He screamed.
"On the plus side. Your controller is unscathed." Emil said picking it up and showing us the remote.
"Think of it this way Teddy. You robot can now break dance." I said with a half smile.
"Oh I will make this up to you Teddy. Ooh, I know! There is a meadow of Wildflowers just down there. I could pick you a bouquet for my bro... A BROUQUET!" He exclaimed.
"Seriously?! That is the..... best idea I've ever heard. You know that would certainly cheer me up." He informed getting his controller back.
"Last one there's a Fetid Pig!" Emil shouted before running off.
I turned back to Teddy and gave him a glare.
"Brouquet, no way."
"He is being nice Teddy. The least you can do is be nice back."
"He is ruining my year. I don't need a friend I would rather be alone with my robots." He said making me tear up and quickly realised his mistake. "Amelia I...."
"No Teddy you listen. Emil has been kind, he has helped you talk to Sydney more then you have before she went off to that girl school. I'm opening up more then I have for like six years. Just stop being a dick." I said before walking to the field to find Emil.
I began to walking towards him not realising where we were till it was too late.
"Amelia look at all these wonderful flowers. It's it absolutely stunning."
"Here. I found this Lilac for you." He said handing me the flower.
"Thanks Emil...they are lovely."
"Amelia what's wrong? Is it the flowers because I can find you a different one?"
"No Emil. I just haven't been here since the accident...." I said before tears began to fall.
"Oh no don't cry Amelia. Come we will sit on this bench that's just here." He said leading me towards it.
'No I can't.'
He sat down and patted next to him only to feel the plaque. He got a confused look and looked down to read it out loud.
"You were a good son, a good friend and a good sibling. You were taken too soon and you will be deeply missed. In loving memory of Jacob Smith. Hey Amelia you two share the same...." he cut himself off when he looked up at me with tears not stopping.
He rushed over to me and grabbed my face making sure I looked at him.
"Amelia....what happened?"
"My brother died cause of the accident. I was the only one to survive it and no one knows except my family. And the whole reason was because my dad was a deadbeat who didn't even want to stay camping with us so he left and didn't even come see us when we were in hospital."
"Amelia... why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I would get those looks. I don't want people to feel bad for me or to be at least you can live on in his memory. Because that just make me feel like what if they wanted him to be the survivor... or yes please remind me that my older brother died because at least one of us survived when we both could have. Losing him was the reason I stopped being open Emil.... and now you know and are going to feel sorry for me."
"Amelia look at me." He said holding my face mere inches from his. "I have already told you. I only feel sorry when your face isn't smiling. But you should tell others what happened."
"No Emil. I don't want them knowing because Regina will go all mum mode and Teddy will be like I understand how it feels and I don't need to make them feel worse for not realising sooner. Please don't tell anyone."
"I promise. Now let's stop those tears and have that smile of yours back."
"Thanks Emil. You know I'm glad we are friends." I said giving him a hug.
"Yeah...I'm glad we are friends as well."

A Prince in casual clothing. (Prince of Peoria)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz