"I don't know who you are and don't act like you know me because you don't. This is your last warning so don't rest me" you respond through telepathy to anos. He couldn't help but chuckle once he heard your message, which made you clench your fists ready to swing at him right then and there. Just as your demon eyes lit up, ready to light Anos on fire, Emilia calls on you to introduce yourself to the class since you'd be assigned as one of the team leaders of the class.

As much as you hated school, you had to follow through with your mission to find the demon king and end him or else you'd just continue to be a prisoner and object for the demon king. So you had to make sure your cover, the fact that you were raised and sent by the 7 emperors to spy on the school, doesn't blow even if you hated the idea that you'd be working with weaklings.

"My name is Y/N. i guess it's nice to meet everyone" Yeah right. You hated the idea that you had to see anos's obnoxious face AND be forced to talk to a bunch of misfits and arrogant royals. Just as you turn your attention to Ray to hear his introduction, he's already gone from beside you and walking towards Anos and the two girls you saw before. As he's walking up the aisle stairs, I could only hear Emilia gasping at the idea that Ray had declined her request to have Ray as a team leader.

"Are you out of your mind? Refusing to become a team leader with your abilities? You can't!"

"I'm not into that kind of thing." You chuckle as you place your hand around your hip because you weren't shocked that ray did something like this. Just as ray is walking towards Anos, you get a sudden flashback of a bunch of teens playing on a field near the mountains. There was a silver haired boy and a black haired boy lying down to a young girl with long H/C hair in pigtails. Their faces were blurred, but you could see that they were happy with each other. Within seconds, the beautiful view turns into rain and thunderstorms as young teens were now grown up and fighting alongside each other against spirits and humans in a war. Something about the girl seemed familiar to you as if she was you, but in a different universe. You eventually snap out of your thoughts as you see Anos rejecting Ray's request to join his team.

"Pass. If you want to have an easy time of it, then just join any other team. If you insist on becoming my subordinate, then show that you have the proper amount of resolve."

Ray was quick to respond to anos' statement. " Should I kneel down and kiss your shoes?"

Anos interest seemed to peak when Ray said that. "You're really gung ho if you're so ready to take a kick to the face."

Ray's facial gesture softens as he hears anos' response. "You sure are pushy arent you Mr. Anos?"

You scan the room to see if there was any signs of other potentially strong students. No one in the class stood out nor did they have a strong energy radiating from them, except from anos. Your eyes were locked on anos as he started talking to the misfit with short white hair with long bangs, who was apparently named Misha.

"When's the next team competition exam?" Misha responds to anos nonchalantly "tomorrow" Anos seemed to be up to something. "Is that right? Misa, you guys go ahead and join ray's team" Suddenly a brunette misfit with pigtails stood up. "If you say so, sir anos."

"Work together to challenge me. If you can acquit yourself accordingly, I will allow you to become my subordinate." The ego anos had was so unbearable, but somewhat appealing to you. You slowly walk up the aisle stairs to meet ray and anos at the top. You smile as you look at the both of them facing each other.

"Why should anyone prove themselves to you in order to be your subordinate. Who do you think you are?" Both their attention goes towards you.

Anos responds with a smile on his face "well of course I am anos voldigoad, the demon king and the strongest demon in the realm"

"That's a bold statement since I've seen stronger magic elsewhere and you are by far not the demon king so that's a stretch" You say as you give him a snarky remark.

"Oh really? Then let's settle this on the field. You'll join Ray's team and if you win, then I will never use magic again and I'll leave this academy." His deal was an all or none type of deal.

You knew there would be a catch to it.

"And what happens if you win then"

"If I win, then you and ray will be my subordinate, but also you'll have to go with me somewhere" The fact that anos didn't specify where he was going to take you, made you step back a little because he could kill you for all you know.

"Where will you take me. I need to know or else I wont agree to this."

"I cannot tell you, but it'll be somewhere you wont forget."

Before you could respond, Ray interrupts. "We'll do it. I want to go up against you so challenge accepted."

"I look forward to it." Anos says as he looks at you with a smirk on his face. I swear to god Ray. You were about to slap Ray for agreeing to the challenge without asking you, but Emilia interrupts our conversation to start class. It was finalized that i'd be in ray's team to go against Anos. You sigh as you take a seat in the front, but you couldn't help trying to sneak a glance at anos every once in a while. There definitely was something about him, but you couldn't put your finger on it. 

A/N: hello!Just started a new job so I might be late with the weekly postings, but I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. i know the anime switches between Ray/Lay, but I decided to keep using Ray instead. I was wondering if ya'll would be interested in some lemon/adult chapters? IDK if that'd be too much so let me know if you'd be interested in more adult content/lemon/fluff. Feel free to comment your thoughts so thanks!

The Misfit of Demon King Academy (Anos Voldigoad x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now