Part. 19..

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......Re-establishing bonds. Part.1....


                         AND HERE

                           IT ALL
                                           -Rupi Kaur-
................... O0o0o0o0o0o..................

        The final valley, most times a beautiful Sanctuary signifying one's arrival in to the long since revered fire country. Others, a hardened battled field whose name and purpose had only been fastened by the two symbolical figures bordering said land. The statues of the long dead, now alive former founders, gates a narrow pathway. Heavily guarded by fire nation shinobies, it now stands as a glorified entrance into one of the strongest nations known to the Shinobie era.

Battle kissed some would say, battle singed most would argue, but battle singed never the less, especially now that two, one not so honorable, teens met each other in wild clashes of electricity and wind. Perfectly balancing each other's elemental abilities, they rose above the proud heads of Madara and Hashirama, whose faces were cemented mid battle formation. Their actual faces however, sported  looks of tranquility as both boys re-enacted a fight they themselves had not been innocent of in the their past.

Water cascaded endlessly and tuneless between both stone elders. Wind, grew to mimic the turbulent rushes of a hurricane, whistling a wild tune as Sasuke's monster struck the left side of naruto's. Both giants were heavily coated in their master's life's energy, one a palesscent purple samurai, the Susanoo. The other, an orange Monstrosity whom once decimated the leaf. The nine tails.

To their far right, on lookers paid witnesses to their stand off. A just battle most knew, and enough they did for none were brave or in this particular case, crazy enough to interfere. And the brave ones fittingly knew what the stakes were between these two dominant figures, especially their former founders and their senseis. Some stood, while the rest perched themselves atop designated spots; all eagerly awaiting the end of another elaborate, overly eccentric dick measuring contest.

Itachi, Neji, Orochimaru and his former students, Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu, stayed shaded, but their eyes were well in tuned to Sasuke's every move. And the same could very well be said for the others when it came to Naruto's sake; Hashirama, Tsunade and his father specifically.

Madara stood braced against a tree with arms folded. His eyes were closed for most parts but as one could expect, his senses followed their younger Uchiha counterpart's motions like the vigilant hawk he were. Pride, that sole factor was at stake here. Not only Sasuke's but the entire Uchiha clan's. Having that said though, a fraction of him, and quite a major part, lingered on his sleeping beauty.

They had travel using means of both his and Obito's lent rinnegans; her passed out figure safely nestled with in his arms as they moved between space and time with the aid of it's god like attributes. And so they'd delivered most of the allied nations as closely to their door steps as possibly possible.

All that remained after Kaguya's parting now, were the Hokages of the leaf, rookie nine, their senseis and some old but new allies....

"This must be difficult for you?" Orochimaru whispered. His foot steps took him over to Kakashi's slouched frame. Heavily hidden by out grown silvery bangs, said man's eyes, both birthed onyx and gifted sharingan devotedly followed his students movements. That fucking flinch, he swore inward. Orochimaru's golden serpentine gaze had noticed, and if he did, then most definitely his little laps had been witnessed by all, which unfortunately earned him said question.

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