Secrets of the leaf....Pt. 27..........

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.............Vissions of something...........

........................ HAIKU(27)..................

                       OF MY MIND.
                  OR AM I IN THEIRS?

                              -Nadine Tomlinson-


  Water, crystal clear and sparkling from a certain glare captured by the fuzzy sun. Water, so dense and cool, yet calming as it caressed every surface of her skin for the time being. The sun, ah the sun. It's luminosity once golden blue, quickly began to fade as her body sunk further and further; and coldness, the chilling kind shortly encompassed even the deepest regions of her bones.

This couldn't be right, she reasoned. Just a simple bath, that was all she intended to take just a while ago in hers and Ino's shared lodging. So then, why was she now falling to the bottom of some unknown watery basin?. Panic began to set in for this couldn't be Kaguya's world Sakura knew. Heavy limbs commenced a desperate battle of ascension, but to no avail. It seemed like the more she tried, the less she prevailed, and in comprehending what this could have been, what this new situation must have meant, Sakura gave into her unknown fate with a sort of calm she herself had not been known to possess.

This had to be it, the visions Indra Oosutsuki had warned about. It came with his final greetings before herself, Neji and Itachi left their world on that fated night. Fleeting images of something, and nothing at all of a puzzle they must solve were his best descriptions. And sadly this too must have been one of those very same foresight; and if Sakura was right about it, then both men as well were having these exact dreams at this very moment.

Thus knowing this, she permitted her self resignation of the fact and allowed the currents to guide her along which ever path this precognitive journey took her. After a short while gliding, light, the blinding kind awoke her senses in such an alarming manner, that Sakura's first instincts were to fight. A defensive stance claimed her naked posture as she stood mere inches from a glowing spere of blue light, and just like before, this one too held with in a gravitational pull much like the previous one which bordered the three tails world from the humans.

"IF THIS IS A DREAM I WOULD LIKE WAKE UP NOW!"... she spoke while tired eyes wondered the space around. This was begining to feel a bit similar to her last watery travels, besides the fact that she was completely alone, and that this spere it's self emanated tranquility despite it's magnetic lure.

"NEJI IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, WAKE UP?"... Still nothing and so she began to shout for them all, one by one until her lips conjured a name she her self never wanted to utter. " I-INDRA-" But ohh, what was this. Somewhere with in this body of light a dark, shadowy figure moved in a hastened, ghostly pace. Big, muscular she could tell, with a lion's mane for hair and a bodily posture which difined ones age.

Sakura's breath caught along with an unfortunate water bubble in the depts of her throat. The hairs on her porcelain white skin stood on ends despite being so deeply submerged in water, and fear of the unknown gripped her spine. This unnamed entity seemed to beckonned her and with out giving her allowance, sakura's body moved on it's own.

Struggling to break free from this pull, she fought against nothing with everything she had upon seeing the still darkened face of the man hidden inside, pressing forcefully against the surface of this spere. It's texture seemed rubberizeed but that was beside the fact, that Sakura was about to come into contact with an unknown, hostile being.

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