BOOK ii..... Secrets of the leaf, Part.25

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..............learning phases...................

..................... HAIKU(25).....................




                                     - Matsuo Basho-

.................. Oo0o0o0o0o0....................

     Tiny beads of ice cold water trickled down a verdant coloured can; cool, satisfying, almost verging on pleasurable as each droplets lost their lives against semi pinkish flesh. Hairs raised like goosebumps on the planes of her arms and neck; her royal mane twisted into a knotted mess of a bun as the thin fabric of her doctor's coat rubbed against the bare skins of her arms. All these factors had brought with them an eerie sensation of a sort, causing Sakura to feel as though hell had just descended the earth.

Her mother had thoroughly warned that extra applications of sunscreen were a must, she really did but Sakura was ever a practical child by nature, perhaps ever since Kakashi had taken her team beneath his ruffled feathers, or who knows the true extent of why she had matured the way she did.

Once upon a time Sasuke had stood at the pinacale of all things that spelt Sakura, but now, and after reflecting on those past acts that steamed from a confounded love directed towards him, Sakura found herself to be rather childish in manner at that time. Now obviously she had worn the skin of her youth back then thus bringing some sort of truth to this realization behind her prior behavior, however, the child she had been then, and the woman she was now, contrasted each other so heavily.

Now, she no longer lived for a misconcepted, misinterpreted attraction they labled love, but instead, Sakura choose to exist in a systematic way; one which seemed monotonic at first gesture but she had fully managed to insert all the things that made her- her, into that equation. She might have been given the names, 'The next Slug queen, Konoha's saviour, a Prodigy in the making or worst to come, The Uchiha bride; yet beneath all these glorified honorifics, Sakura chose to remain as Tsunade's treasure, Kakashi's pet, and a respected and loved member of team seven. And now one more label had been added to the slew of words that defined her life, 'Lady Uchiha'.

The locals had been excessively abusing this terminology in particular, much to her chagrin. However, it was beyond Sakura's power now to put an abrupt end to this new calling, why with the Uchihas all set to re-enter their home in days time.. Other than that upcoming event, there were other suffocating elements which hindered her path to a peaceful existence.


Because of his sudden unorthodox behavior, and they seemed unorthodoxed so far, simply because of what ever written facts she'd studied on the man. They suggested he be an elusive, antisocial being but now Sakura was having more than a difficult time in figuring the reasons behind his newly developed stalkerish attitude. During dinners with her team he was there, at nights when her shifts ended, he was there, on the morn of moving into her and Ino's new apartment, he was there.

Her life was now filled with a constant image of Lord Second's ice cold glare. Not to be mistaken though, but she had never been the recipient of these glowerings say for the people that sought unannounced audiences with her. Something or more precisely someone, and multiple someones at that, had obviously played their hands in this man's new found attitude.

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