Part. 14..

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..............Final Stand. PT. 2.................





                                 -Nadine Tomlinson-


       Strength, a collective force comprising of sheer will power. Or perhaps it be an unknown factor which driveth man to make possible the - impossible? No one knew for a fact where strength came from, nor they the invisible forces behind individuals that possessed this magnificent trait. But there be one word that best lent description to their plights in times of nothingness, where all seemed almost lost. And it spelt FORTITUDE; the unparalleled ability to endure that which preceded their very own expectations of themselves. Endurance, the ability to push forward even when death came with arms open wide, and a skull splitting smile promising nothing but infinite demise.

ENDURANCE, the only factor that walked hand in hand with hope. The only factor that continued to drive them yet even when the strongest of them all tethered dangerously on the fringe of finally giving in. Oh dear sweet knowledge, what a bitter pill to swallow you are for even the mightiest amongst the masses now slept inches away from taking their last breadths. Such is the creature Zetsu became. His existence a thorn forever stuck in their sides, his very name a wretched curse tumbling from their quivering lips.

Say but only a minor few or so now remained after the early hours of war expired. Though they were scattered across the far beyond barren land, each abled man and woman abandoned not that hopeful flame.  Flickering, it danced on the verge of giving out yet they persisted with knuckles bloodied and scrapped raw, with the soles of their feet torn and hearts, beating so loudly, willing yet to sacrifice it all in lieu of ending this monster.

Large numbers of the enemy's reinforcement continued to bombard the allied SHINOBIES from all manner of direction. Oh the horror the masses realized for white began to cover once more the land, all knowing of what and whom they were; Zetsu's other half, his bleached counterparts. Above their heads their olden foe along side some of the leaf's very best relented not their strikes while Kakashi and Tsunade protected the ever resting body of their most precious one.

"There's no end in sight with them!"

"Common Kakashi!", Guy's exuberant tone was as usual a never ending annoyance, especially now as they stood staring death in his eyes. Somehow though Hataki couldn't fault the man for it, figuring if they were all destined to meet their maker at the end of this slaughter, why not deceive them selves into thinking it was on their own terms?.. But alas, misery in the depths of knowing what a lost cause this was turning out to be, left no room for such overbearing optimism in any of them, most of all himself upon feeling the shock of Sakura's cold body with in his trembling grasp.






As soon as Naruto came swooping in from above his perch, Zetsu managed to perfectly dodge his attack as well as steering himself clear of Madara's approaching right knee.

"JUST STAND STILL SO I COULD KILL YOU!" The Jinchuriky brat screamed into the air. His plight harsh, mostly sorrowful as desperation lined his features. Not missing a beat, Lord second dove right in for a hit but just like the others, their enemy evaded that as well. There was no headway, not for them at least. Lives continued to fall like broken leaves bellowing in the wind with each wave of attack as Zetsu somehow seemed to only get stronger with every strike received. It were as though they were being mocked in the most unamusing of ways, them and everything they stood for.

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