Part. 10..

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.................A change in plans............








As red as though it were blood, a crimsoned glow that oozed imminent danger blanketed the heavens. Stretching it's limbs from corner to corner, as far as the naked eyes were able to reach, it danced with arms wide open before descending upon the moon's pale luminescent glow. Most stopped in their chaotic dance to marvel at this not so much rare, but never before seen occurrence. But above them all a battle still very much raged on.

A collision of four lost souls; three against one, three against a monster , the monster that had slain far too many. A monster that dwelt with in the darkness of their existences; a puppet master whom strung their strings from the moment of their birth, Zetsu. Each generation whence his creation, he'd been able to convolute and corrupt man's ideals. Playing each as though they were dolls beneath his thumb. Twiddling, he continued for generations on end. Driven by hatred for his brothers, unacceptance from his mother, he plotted upon the ruins of his own misunderstood miseries.

For a while it was fun, even promising actually, especially learning of his brothers reincarnated curses; and thus he slept beneath their shadows, initiating his act of deceit and corruption; awaiting the days of their continuous rebirth. And now, success was but just a few droplets of blood away, his enemies to be precise. Enraged they fought. That kyubi brat and his two pawns, Zetsu's that is. Both Madara and Tobirama acted against their nature, forcing a brief alliances between them selves despite their past grevances, all for the sake of this god dam world.

How amusing.

"I'll wipe that fucking grin right off of your face, you -!!" Naruto alongside Madara blindsided him; forcing his positioning further into an awaiting Tobirama. With an arm as large as a mountain and glowing bright beautiful shades of oranges, the Kyubi possessed boy connected his fist, which unfortunately, was effortlessly blocked by Zetsu of coarse. But never the less, as soon as the dust cleared, Madara was hot on his trail, planting both knees straight into his former subordinate's exposed chest.

A loud crunching sound was heard and immediately their enemy doubled over in agony, heaving while tar like substances flowed from his mouth in disgusting chunks. "DAM IT- I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Even more enraged, Zetsu stood above them now, as if he had wings that remained invisible to the naked eyes. His own, darted towards Sakura's lifeless form that laid nestled with in the Godaime's trembling arms. Kakashi stood above her as well as the youngest Uchiha fuck, both fighting off his paperesque minions with ease. Snickering, he leveled his gaze onto the blonde beast, watching her beautiful face contort with scorn and a known hatred of another kind. Battered and bleeding, and yet the fire in her eyes were as livid as the false youth she wore as though it were a second skin. Such absurd use of his mother's beloved, most cherished gift, he noted while giving her and that copy nin of the leaf's his best unapologetic leer.

"THIS ISN'T OVER AS YET BASTARD!" Madara, upon catching sight of Zetsu's line of vision, howled at the heavens; his voice held within that saddened note sung by a man whose wounds slept beneath the flesh, only to be seen or heard whence spoken; adorable and just, the other thought. They deserved it, every ounce of pain, of agony and distraught this world had placed upon his shoulders were about to be returned whole heartily.

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