Secrets of the leaf. Part. 28..

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..........Mending broken bonds............

....................... HAIKU(28)...................


                    THE MOON

               AT MY WINDOW.




      An errie  breeze carried all Ill conjured thoughts to do with their estranged uncle, or their grandmother's so called alter ego. Waning above, that lone ocular globe shone with its brightest glare ever, as if he were in full display for a an unsuspecting lover. But below, the former warm atmosphere of their centuries shared household, held to it a somber tone. Hell, even the servants of this place kept to themselves more than usual, and the residents of the manor, even more so than normal. Why, one might inquire, well that answer lied with the houses new accupant and one whose world from the inside out was cast in an errie shade from the very beginning of his unwanted existence.

Situated around a smaller than usual chabudai, compliments of Kaguya whom wanted to reaccquaint both men with their fellow relative, the aroma wafting off of the newly brought in motsunabe did little in means of appealing to their appetites; though loud sounds of intestinal grumbles made them selves known under the veil of silence, tension had donne.

"Why don't we all dig in I think, is the earthly phrase?" The head of the household urged with every bit of authority she held. But despite her strong voicing and warm smiles, all three faces beside her held grim expressions of their own; each silently displaying their displeasures of being in eachother's company.

"Nice to see Baah-chan so spirited", Indra jested under a breath of mockery, "though Im not that sorry to say that this little impromptu rendevous of ours has deminished my appetite some what"

"AGREED!" shouted the other two males whom decidedly walked away after hastily having their fills. Now this only left kaguya, whom decided against usage of that authoritive tone and an irritated Indra.

"Is it so much to ask from you three bastards to have a normal meal with me?"

"It isn't grandmother, but together might just be an impossibility. What were you thinking when you blind sided us with this new turn of event, oh and not forgetting these sudden bursts of premonitions I happen to be sharing with our new aunt, Sakura?"

Crossed eyed almost, said woman almost aimed her chopsticks at her grandson's piercing orbs. Disdain slightly there but resignation and comprehension of the facts Indra spouted calmed this somewhat rising temperament. "So I forgot to inform you two of my plans"

"Willfull omitance?"

"When I will-fully omitted these facts" kaguya corrected with a mild glower in her gaze. "But what were you two expecting, to be perfectly honest. Were you perhaps hoping I would have obliterated zetsu where he stood as if to appease the humans?"


"Don't make me laugh boy! "....... Indra flinched slightly from her strong wording; however, knowing that she was a being that never allowed anger his way, gave him some sort of pitiful relief, and dare he say pitiful indeed for a man that supposedly birthed the most fearsome clan of the leaf, to harbour such fears of his Baah-chan.

" Are we not having this conversation right now, did you not interfere by linking mine and the pinkette's mind to eachother. Did you not overload her mental capabilities by chanelling-"

"Enough, Indra. Even I have my limits sometimes. Although I fully undertand these concerns of yours I never once over stepped, which brings me to my second find". Gracefully she sipped her tea, littering the silent room with short musical sounds manifested from her worn ancient ornaments. " since when, and do excuse my phrasing, have you been this concerned about my Sakura?"

As equally graceful as he could be, Indra rose to full hight and brushed at the flaps of his Haori. With in seconds he came before her with his face resembling that of confusion, though diluted, barely. Bent now at the knees, he pressed a chaste kiss against kaguya's left cheek.

"Don't appear as if you hadn't a hand in the making of these strong concerns of mine. Your entire scheme has been nothing but chaotic thus far, certainly zetsu's mother indeed. So, dear grandmother", The eldest Uchiha being was almost at the door. "Spare me the hypocritical bullshit, is the earthly phrase i was looking for. If I were to say I'm not that excited about the culmination of these strange happenings of yours, it would only be a lie. Never the less, do inform me before hand, having dreams of my self in Madara's place with your new toy is somewhat unappealing, Good night".

He bowed then exited, taking long prideful strides and altogether missing the half hidden frame of his lover, his brother, Asura. The minutes expired in an exasperating pace, almost as if the ax was aimed at her head, though she still sipped at her warm tea, revelling briefly at the soothing taste of honey and lemons. "You going to enter child or do i have to drag you in here?"

"I have a bone to chew grandmother, and it might be yours" Asura occupied his lover's vacant seat in seconds. "What's this business about Indra being at the receiving end of Sakura and Madara's short thirsts?"

To sigh had suddenly became the act of the day, that and coupled with an unquenchable desire to snap some one's neck. Kaguya downed her last bit of heaven before ontaking this new idiot unfortunately birthed from her generation....

... TBC.....


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