Recipe for Disaster

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Third pov

"I do not approve of this plan. It lacks a certain 'killing the changeling' component" Draal stated and Dakota growled agreeing with him.

Tonight, Strickler was coming over to have dinner. Dakota had known from the start that he was a changeling, or at least knew that he wasn't human.

"I would love to, but not until they locate the bridge, okay?" Jim asked as he whisked the contents of the bowl "And find out what he wants with me"

"We could rip off his limbs, make him talk, more like scream" Draal suggested sadistically "Now that sounds like a good plan"

"No, no ripping" Jim stated looking up at Draal as Dakota barked glaring at Jim "Hey! I said no ripping" he pointed at Dakota with the whisk making drops of the mixture splat on the ground and on her face.

"My mom...ugh! She kind of likes him" Jim groaned looking back at Draal "And since she's here, I can't have you busting chops unless it's a last resort, and only if it's a last resort" he explained looking at Draal seriously.

"How will I know this 'last resort'?" Draal grumbled.

"Okay, if everything's cool, I'll stomp once. If I run into any trouble, I'll stomp twice. Got it?" Jim explained to Draal.

"Two times. Then I tear his limbs" Draal stated with a smirk.

Dakota barked looking up at Jim as the doorbell rang "Sorry girl. Mom says you have to be outside" Jim said kneeling down "But I promise I'll let you in if he tries anything"

Dakota whined as she sat on the steps looking up at Jim, "Okay girl, I'm going to leave the doggie door unlocked. If I whistle, you go through the door without mom noticing, got it?"

Dakota nodded and barked softly in understanding "Good girl!" Jim praised patting her head and closed the door.

(Time skip)

"Did you know that Draal is in my basement?" Jim asked with a smirk tapping his foot twice, expecting him to barge through the basement door.

Nothing happened so Jim tried again, tapping on the floor twice. Strickler looked down and got the idea, smirking as he tapped on the floor as well.

The blender sounded making Jim look away and Strickler took that opportunity to try and stab him with the knife. Luckily, Jim reacted fast and blocked the attack.

"Not a very good guard dog, is he?" Strickler asked with a grin pointing the knife at Jim as he backed up towards the kitchen door.

"No he's not" Jim started and whistled sharply "But Dakota is" he finished and opened the door to the kitchen and Dakota ran out quickly aiming to bite at Strickler.

She rule number 3'd him and bit down, luckily not too hard as Strickler yelped in pain "S-Stupid Mutt!" Strickler shouted out ripping her off of him.

"You may have your dog and this Draal in your basement, I have an Antramonstrum in my office" Strickler said he he winced holding his knife tightly.

"A what?" Jim asked

"Oh, just a vaporous creature. Dormant until disturbed, shockingly fierce, and excellent at erasing sneaky-snakes" Strickler explained and lunged at Jim flipping him over his shoulder.

Dakota growled and went under the table biting onto Stricklers leg pulling it forward, making him hit his chin on the table.

Jim scrambled to get back up as Dakota stood in front of him protectively.

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