Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter

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Dakota's POV

'Where are you, Jim?' I asked myself as I paced around the house in worry. He usually wasn't this late, he always comes back before the sun goes down. I whined and walked into the kitchen where mom was washing dishes. I went and sat near her feet giving another whine. she glanced at me and stopped her dish washing and kneelt down beside me. "Don't worry Dakota. Jim will be back soon." As soon as those words left her mouth a knock at the door, thinking it was Jim I ran to the door to meet him as mom followed. She opened the door but their was an older man whose scent wasn't very human.

Third POV

Before Barbara or the man could say anything Dakota broke into a series of barks and growls. The man, shocked at the sudden burst of barking stumbled back as the husky lunged at him. Barbara luckily, was ready for this and grabbed onto Dakotas collar and swiftly said "Dakota heel!" Dakota reluctantly stopped her barking but still growled at the unknown man.

Barbara looked at the sheepishly, "Sorry about her. She gets like this when strangers knock at the door." she said apologetically. The man gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, its quite alright" he said while adjusting his clothing. "Are you Mrs. Lake?" the man asked "Yes. Why do you ask?" "I'm Jim's history teacher, Mr. Strickler, and I was wondering if we could have a discussion about Jim." "Oh of course come on in"

Mr. Strickler wearily came in since Dakota was glaring at him with her teeth bared. "Can I get you something to drink?" Barbara asked as she shut the door and headed to the kitchen. "Tea. If you don't mind" he answered as he glanced nervously and Dakota.

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