Win Lose or Draal

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Dakota's pov

I sighed sadly and layed in my bed. No one was home so I had nothing to do but be with my own thoughts. Jim was always out so late and hasn't spent anytime with me or mom. I tried to remember the last time he had taken me for a walk or played fetch with me. Nothing has been the same since he found that 'amulet'. I wished he had never found it.

My ear flicked when I heard moms car. I didn't even bother getting up. I heard the door open and close I raised my head and saw Mom with an angry look on her face behind her was Jim I perked up when I saw him but he went strait upstairs to his bedroom. I debated on wheather or not I should go with him and decided against it. Instead I went up to moms room and saw her sitting on her bed, she had her head in her hand and looked tired

I whined to tell her I was here. She looked at me for a second and smiled. "Hey Dakota, you wanna sleep with me tonight?" I gave a small bark and walked up to her while laying my head in her lap. She gave a small laugh and got under the covers of her bed. When she got comfortable she patted the empty space and I jumped up with ease. The bed sank a bit under my weight and layed my head near mom and shut my eyes.

Time skip to the next day

Dakota's pov

The next day I was out in the backyard trying to tire my self out but I was becoming more restless. I heard the door open inside the house and was confused. No one should be home at this time. Until I remembered that this was the time that Jim got home from school. I gave a confused whine and went through the doggie door into the house I saw Jim standing by the door holding something that I had not seen for a while.

It was my leash?! And favorite toy ball! I gave an excited bark and ran to him slipping a bit from the floor and stopped in front of him. He laughed and put on my harness, clipped on my leash, and opened the door.

I had a great time running around and going to the park to play fetch. The sun was starting to set and we were at home. Jim had made a lot of delicous food. I felt my mouth start to drool at the thought of getting to eat some of the food. I heard the door open and saw mom walking to the kitchen.

"Blueberry waffles? Bacon mac and cheese? Shrimp cakes? What is this a last meal?" mom asked laughing a bit. "Well, I wanted to bake cookies, I decided to make your favorite, and then eh, all your favorites." he responded sheepishly.

"If you think this is going to get you out of apologizing to Ms. Nomura-" "Hey, can't we just have a nice dinner? We've both been so busy. When's the last time we really sat down and talked?" Jim said cutting of mom. I barked in agreement. "I'll set the table" mom said smiling at Jim and me.

Third person pov

"That was delicious" Barbara said rubbing her full stomach, "I don't know what I'd do without you, kiddo. Dakota and I'd be ten pounds lighter, but-" "Well, you deserve it." Jim said as he steped over Dakota with dirty dishes in his arms, while she layed on her side with an empty dog bowl and a full stomach.

Barbara took a small crumb of food in her mouth as she brought her almost empty cup to her lips. "Shrimp cakes? Gosh I haven't had those since..." she became silent for a moment, "Dad made them for us." Jim finished for her. Dakotas head went up when Jim said 'Dad'.

"I didn't think you'd remember" "Oh I remember enough. I remember how his beard would scratch my face when he hugged me. How he used to make you laugh. But, most of all, how much he hurt you when he left" Jim said sadly.

"Jim, where is this coming from?" Barbara asked "No matter what happens to me, I would never leave you like that" Jim responded, "At least, well not by choice. You're an amazing person, and I just want you to know I'll always love you."

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