Claire and Present Danger

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Third pov

"What good is this amulet if it can't help me with this?" Jim asked gesturing to the fetch "Claire's brother is trapped in the Darklands, and there's nothing I can do about it?"

"Unfortunately, there is nothing any one of us can do about it" Blinky responded gesturing to everyone in the room.

Dakota was sitting on the floor in her own little world as she stared at the fetch curiously. She could probably stick her head in the fetch but it would be a struggle when it came to her shoulders and chest, she thought to herself as everyone continued to brainstorm a plan.

"Under no circumstances!" Arrrgh growled punching into the floor slightly as he glared at Jim. Dakota, snapping out of her thoughts,
lowered her head as her hackles raised in warning at Arrrgh.

"Dude, don't be reckless! You almost lost a golden tuna role! Sit down and relax!" Toby responded quickly to calm Arrrgh down. Dakota watched as Arrrgh sat back down but she was still on edge from his out burst, licking at her nose nervously she turned her attention to Jim.

"What happened to the trollhunter answering every call?" Jim asked looking at Blinky as he held the amulet.

"You have a strong heart, Master Jim, a quality rarely seen in trolls" Blinky stated putting a comforting hand on Jim's shoulder "I believe, one day, you will answer that child's call, but that day cannot be today"

Dakotas ear twitched and she turned her attention towards the doll house, where the gnome lived. Storming out and chittering angrily he saluted, showing that he would volunteer to go into the Darklands.

"Chompsky, no! It's too much to ask" Toby responded, trying to make him change his mind but Chompsky insisted stubbornly.

Everyone agreed hesitantly, all of them wishing Chompsky good luck. Dakota rolled her eyes at Toby when he brought out the Chompskys 'wife' for a goodbye. After that, everyone took to the turned over bed for cover as Chompsky jumped into the fetch with Jim keeping a hold on the rope.

"All we can do is hope" Blinky said and Dakota looked at the fetch intensely watching the swirling green energy.

"Okay so far" Jim mumbled as he let a bit of rope slide through his hands but still keeping a good grip on it. Suddenly the rope was tugged on and Jim held the rope tightly.

"Oh! Hey! Hey, I just felt a tug!" Jim exclaimed

"Quick! Pull him in!" Toby grabbed the rope as well along with Arrrgh and Blinky as the rope was being pulled by an unknown force making it snap.

"Oh no" Toby gasped as Arrrgh held him.

"He's a scrappy creature, Tobias. If anyone can survive there, it's him" Blinky stated trying to comfort Toby "Still want that furgolator now?"

Dakota growled as she heard notenrique knock on the window "Open up! Let me in!" Notenrique exclaimed in a panic.

"What's he doing here?" Jim asked opening the window for Notenrique.

"Goblins came at me. I made mincemeat out of him, but now the rest of 'em want their pound of flesh" Notenrique reported "I'm lucky to have escaped with only a soiled diaper!"

"You've drawn the ire of goblin vengeance and have led them here!" Blinky shouted pinning Notenrique to the desk.

"Blinky, take it easy!" Jim exclaimed pushing him away from Notenrique.

"Relax! They think the girl did it. Now they're after her" Notenrique reassured the two but Jim pinned him to the desk.

They think Claire's responsible? They're gonna go after her!" Jim shouted in anger "I have to save her" he said grabbing his amulet and running out, Dakota following after him.

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