Training Dakota

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Dakotas POV

"Today's training we will be working with Dakota and hopefully with the help of Vendels knowledge on wolves" Blinky said as they all stood in a secluded forest area.

"Not a wolf" Jim said kneeling beside me unclipping my leash "I don't know about this Blinky, are you sure this is safe?"

"Of course this is just to see what Dakota is capable of" Blinky said with a reasurring smile as Arrrgh said "Test puppy"

"Yeah Jimbo! And dogs are decendents of wolves, but the husky is closely related to wolves so she's basically a wolf!" Toby said patting Jim on the back.

I like to think I'm an Alpha wolf, I thought cockily as Blinky started to explain what I was doing.

"So we are going to release Chompsky into the woods in hopes that she will chase and catch him, and hopefully not harm him in the process" Blinky explained whispering the last part. "Now realease the gnome!"

Chompsky scittered away "Get him Dakota!" Toby shouted as I sprinted after him. Before this they had me get a good smell of his hat so it would be easier to find him.

He's pretty fast, I thought as I struggled to catch up to him since he was smaller and I was bigger, but I still had him in my sight.

I got him by the scruff and lifted him in victory, I made my way back puffing my chest out in pride as Jim praised my efforts. I put Chompsky down as Blinky started to talk.

"Excellent work, Dakota!" Arrrgh patted me on the head, "Fast"

"Now we see how good you are during a fight!" Blinky said as Arrrgh stood infront of me.

"Remember to be gentle with her!" Jim shouted as Arrrgh got into a playful stance. I followed awkwardly. Arrrgh lunged at me as I dodged his attacks I just kept dodging and avoided getting hit since he was made of stone I couldn't really bite anywhere.

I ended up behind him and jumped onto his back and tugged at his fur. He spun and tried to reach for me but I kept my jaw shut tightly on a clump of his fur. I sniffed a bit and sneezed at the smell of Arrrghs scent which cased me to let go and fall to the ground.

"Aww! That was such a cute sneeze!" Toby awed. I growled at him for saying such a thing! I'm not cute! I got up from the ground ran at Arrrgh.

I lunged at Arrrgh and bit his ear, it didn't do anything so I just dangled there. This didn't affect Arrrgh as he laughed. "Well it seems that Dakota is very good at dodging and also knew that she couldn't inflict any damage to Arrrgh but she still tried" Blinky said laughing.

Arrrgh grabbed me and put me back onto the ground he gave me a pat on the head "Did good" I gave a small happy bark.

"Now we test your strength!" Blinky said as a long rope was put onto the ground, I grabbed one end as Jim and Toby grabbed the other. We waited for Blinky to give us the ok, "Now begin!" I tugged on the rope hard causing the boys to stumble forward on to their faces. I wagged my tail did a small howl in victory.

"Well done Dakota, you managed to bring down both Master Jim and Tobias with one powerful tug! As for you Master Jim it seems we have a lot more training to do to build up your arm and body strength!" Blinky said as Jim groaned into the ground.

"Now we test your sense of smell, so we will be playing the human game 'Hide and Seek" Blinky explained as Chompsky tied a blindfold over my eyes, "Arrrgh, Jim and Tobias will hide while you seek for them"

"When chompsky removes the blindfold that will be your cue to start seeking" Blinky continued, my ear twitched as the sound of bushes rustling filled the forest. The blindfold was taken off and I got to work sniffing the air and ground, I picked up Arrrghs scent first and sneezed, I heard a small 'Aww' in the distance.

I smirked and decided to go for Toby first, he was hiding behind a tree with many bushes beside it. His back was facing me as he looked to his right to see if I was near him, my tail swaying side to side as I crept closer to him and stood right behind him. He turned back around and shouted out in suprise when our noses touched. I smiled and wagged my tail, he groaned and got up from the ground "You got me Dakota" he sighed in deafeat. I set off to find Arrrgh next.

It wasn't that hard, considering the fact that he was hiding behind a small shrub. I trotted up to him and sniffed at his covered face, he peeked through his fingers and uncovered his face with a smile "Found me". I yipped and went onward to find Jim.

I sniffed at the ground until it lead me back to the clearing where Blinky, Chompsky, Toby, and Arrrgh waited for me. I sniffed at the air searching for that familiar scent, Bingo, I thought finally catching his scent it was up in a tree, I ran to it and scratched at the bark. Arrrgh noticed this and walked to the tree, he shook it lightly causing Jim to fall onto the ground. I licked at his face happily causing him to laugh, "Ok! Ok! You got me girl!"

"Excellent work Today, Dakota!" Blinky exclaimed patting me on the head "You've shown great skill today. The only thing we need to work on is fighting, I'll have a word with Vendel about you traning along side Master Jim"

I barked as they all chuckled.

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