Becoming: Part 1

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3rd pov

As the sun was rising in the town of Arcadia, a young boy with a magazine on his face was lying in bed asleep. On the floor next to the bed layed a dark furred husky. The dog started to wake up when the sun hit her eyes, followed by them opening to reveal that they were a beautiful blue color. She got up and stretched, showing off her navy blue collar with a tag that said 'Dakota'.

Dakotas pov

I lazily got up and stretched out my muscles from sleeping, I felt an itch on my neck and scratched at it. I turned to look at the 'alarm clock' on Jim's desk to see it was 6:00. I jumped up on the bed and started to lick Jim's face. He immediately woke up and started to laugh while trying to shove my muzzle out of his face to stop me from licking him. " Okay Dakota, I'm up. I'm getting up", he said as he proceeded to get up and out of bed.

Once Jim was finally up and ready for school he left the his bedroom and down the stairs to the living room with me at his heels. He started to tidy up the living room, while I grabbed some books from the table and pushed it into the bookshelf where it belongs. Once done he got started on breakfast and I went outside through my dog door to do my business.

He was halfway done when I came back inside. He grabbed a tray and went upstairs to give mom her food, as I followed close behind.

We got to the top of the stairs and Jim opened the door to show mom still sleeping. She'd always do 'night shifts', which means she had come home late that night. Jim puts the tray on her nightstand and takes off her glasses to clean them. He puts them on her nightstand. he gives her a kiss on her forehead and whispers " Love you mom ".

He goes back down stairs grabs his backpack, magazine, helmet and opens the garage door. He gives me a pat on the head while leaving "Bye Dakota, be a good girl", he says and closes the door.

I went to the living room and jumped on the couch to look through the window. I barked a goodbye to him and Toby and watched them leave. When I could no longer see them I went to the kitchen to eat the food that Jim made for me. I took one whiff of the delicious aroma and wolfed it down. When I finished I lapped up some water and headed up stairs to lay next to moms bed on the floor.

Time skip

Mom was just leaving when I saw Jim and Toby coming up the street. My tail started wagging in excitement, I jumped off the couch and padded to the front door just as Jim was coming in. "Hey Dakota! Did you miss me?", he asked playfully while walking to the couch and sitting down. I jumped up with him and laid my head on his lap.

He dug through his bag and pulled out a tiny metal frisbee and inspected it. His phone started vibrating so he picked it up and answered it. "Hey Tobes" "Did it talk again? Did it do anything interesting?" "Nope" "Toby Pie! Dinner!" "In a minute Nana! I've got to go. Text me if it does anything cool" "Will do" Jim ended the call and changed the TV to a different moving picture.

I looked at the metal frisbee and wondered where Jim got it. It started to glow which caught his attention.

"Um Hi. How you doing? I'm Jim. But then, you knew that because you spoke my name, which is weird", I whined in confusion, why is he talking to it? "And now I'm talking to an inanimate object", I'm concerned for your sanity Jim. "Come on! Talk again or you are going up on Ebay", he said in annoyance.


What was that!!? I scrambled off the couch to find where the sound came from, to find it came from the basement. I gave a low bark and growled. "Heel Dakota", he said before opening the door. He looked down the stairs and said it was raccoons while grabbing a broom. I sniffed the air for raccoons, but nothing.

We both went down the stairs being careful to watch our step. I heard footsteps and saw something pass the heater. Jim turned on the light so he could see better. I sniffed at the ground for a better raccoon scent.

I jumped at the sound of Jim's scream and whipped my head around to see he had gotten spooked by his reflection. I gave him an annoyed look as he laughed nervously. Then the light turned off causing us both to jump in suprise. He sighed in relief when he didn't see anything, so he kneeled down to inspect one of the rocks on the ground while I sniffed at them.

It was quite until an unfamiliar voice shouted, "MASTER JIM!"

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