A Night To Remember/Something Rotten this Way Comes

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Dakotas pov

I was being treated by Vendel while mom layed on the stone slab in the heartstone. Jim was just entering as well as Blinky as the two talked.

I winced when Vendel wrapped bandages around my throat that had gashes, after I had attacked Angor's face when he was trying to get into the car, it was hard to breathe. Vendel seemed to notice and stopped wrapping the bandages.

He bent down slightly to listen to my chest as it heaved uneasily, "Trollhunter, it seems that your companion is having trouble breathing" he informed Jim.

As soon as he said that I started to regurgitate causing whatever was making me uncomfortable to move out of my stomach and into my throat. It stopped and I started choking on the round object.

"Dakota? Dakota! She's choking!" Jim exclaimed in a panic and rushed to my side. Wrapping his arms around my stomach he pushed roughly a few times and a black orb flew out of my mouth, landing on the ground and rolling towards Vendels feet.

'Almost passed out there' I said to myself as Jim put me down and rubbed my back, "What did she throw up?" Jim asked getting up and walking to Vendel.

Jim's pov

"No way..." I said in awe seeing Vendel hold up Angors eye, which was covered in drool and bits of bile from Dakotas stomach "She swallowed his eye!"

Vendel snorted dropped the eye in my hands making me wrinkle my nose in disgust at the wet sensation on my hands, "Eww"

"Now that it's out of her, I can proceed to finish treating her" Vendel said starting to rewrap the bandages on Dakotas throat.

Once he was finished he dismissed himself and I sat myself near mom, with Dakota laying on the other side next to her.

"So, when you and your friends said you were going camping..." Mom spoke up looking at me to correct her.

"We were getting a Triumbic stone from a place called Gatto's Keep" I finished for her with a small smile.

"Right. And when Steve crashed his Vespa?" Mom asked

"Um...Vulture troll" I replied with a shrug

"And Dakota always fighting?" Mom asked "And getting scratches?"

"Goblins. She really doesn't like them" I said with a small smile, hoping not to worry her more, especially in her condition.

"And your guidance counselor?" Mom asked.

"Blinky" I sighed "He does give me a lot of guidance."

Mom sighed as well, turning away and looking at Dakota, "I just can't. It's just-- it's too much. Y-you really shouldn't be putting yourself in danger like this. I'm your mother,. I protect you. That's the deal"

"I'm fine, Mom. You don't- you don't need to protect me" I reassured her, pulling out the amulet, "I think this is what I was meant to do" I stated letting the amulet do the work for me. Blue poured from the device, covering me head to toe in the armor.

"I should've told you sooner" I mumbled regretfully, my shoulders dropping, "Maybe none of this would have ever happened"

Mom sniffled, her hand reaching up to cover the glowing amulet, "You're supposed to be able to tell me anything" she managed to say with her voice shaking.

I covered her hand with my own, the armor and the amulet fading from view, "I never should have lied to you" I said looking down, heartbroken as the door had opened behind us, Vendel's voice echoing.

A Boys Best FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon