Chapter 30 🤨 😧 😡😥

Start from the beginning

The room went silent not a word was said nor a peep.

After a few minutes that went past Scarlett then started to laugh out loud.

I wasn't sure what was funny so I strangely looked at her thinking maybe she was losing her mind.

Scarlet laughter slows down and she went to speak.

"Let me get this straight Stephen. You want us to go on this "little mission" ( Scarlet Made air quotes with her fingers when she said little mission) for your ugly ass girlfriend so that you can destroy her ex-boyfriend who is fucking her mama?" Are you sure you not going after him just because your worried about her still having feelings for him and leaving you behind to be with him?"

Stephen stood up and slammed his hands down onto the table hard that he even cracked the table from the force of his hands.

Stephen's body shook in rage beside me, he was mad.

"Scarlet You need to remember that I'm the boss and you don't disrespect me nor my woman, do you understand? You have been very disrespectful and if you keep this up you know the consequences for your actions so I'm giving you one last warning."

The anger that was radiating off of Stephen was scary but sexy at the same time.

Whenever he would say the words my woman or my queen it would turn my insides all warm, I find it so sweet that he calls me those names.

Looking over at Scarlet she looked very upset that maybe she even wanted to cry but held herself back from doing so.

She kept her eyes on my man and I knew she had really deep feelings for him.

Who could blame her Stephan is amazing.

But then her face turned towards me.

The anger she felt for me was plastered onto her face.

If looks could kill I would be 6 feet underground.

Scarlett then pushed back her chair and stood up straight before all of us.

"Where was she when you were fucking my brains out a few weeks ago Stephen? Oh, that's right she was working in her office across from yours as you took me to your back bedroom. I take it you have also taken her there just like all the women you fuck?"

She then faced her body towards me and stared into my eyes.

"How does my pussy taste, Brooklyn? I bet he kissed you after eating me out." Placing a wide grin on her face satisfied with achieving her goal of hurting me which she had accomplished.

I felt sick to my stomach thinking that maybe he has kissed me right after doing Unthinkable things with her.

I felt like gagging from the thought of what-ifs.

I felt sick to my stomach, my eyes started to get watery. I blink back a few tears hoping that they would not run down my cheeks.

Lowering my head so no one would be able to see my face, I didn't want them to know that I was hurting from what she had said to me.

"You lying bitch I have not touched you in months.
That was way before Brooklyn and I had started our relationship." Stephen had screamed at the top of his lungs, even some spite had even flown out of his mouth.

"Oh, really Stephen so are you saying that Brooklyn was not around at that time? Then why when you were fucking me you were calling her name out?"


A gunshot could be heard in a quiet room.

A ringing sound was in my ears, Not being able to hear anyone around me so I Lifted my head up not sure what was going on.

Right before me was a wall where Scarlett was standing and now that wall was covered in blood, her blood.

Right before me was a wall where Scarlett was standing and now that wall was covered in blood, her blood

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