chapter 9

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I haven't woken up to the sounds of screams since the war ended. All the peace I felt only hours ago was quickly gone. I woke up praying our truce hadn't ended. The moment I opened my eyes and sat up I found myself wishing the screaming had been because of war. The looks on the faces of the two people in the room with me ripped me into small pieces. Jason had a look of pure guilt and shame as the woman standing in the doorway looked at us both with disgust and anguish.

I had realized I had instinctively wrapped my naked body around Jason's to find shelter and protection the moment it all happened. I didn't pull away despite the look of shame on Jason's face. What we did wasn't shameful. Being with your mate is more natural than breathing. Just like the basics of food, water, and air once we find our mates and it's official, we must be with them sexually daily or we begin to die. To see shame in what should be a time of joy shocks me. He does pull me closer to him as he speaks."Lily?" He knows her and his soft questioning tone tells me it's quite well. My jealousy is starting to take over and begins turning into rage as she speaks. "I heard you both. I didn't think you would bring another in here." She's a lover to him. By her hurt I'm sure she's not a casual lover to him.

"Mine!" I yelled. Rage taking over I jumped out of bed ran across the large room and shifted into my wolf. Just before I could RIP into her Jason had also shifted and knocked me to the ground. Not to hurt me but to stop me from hurting her. He had picked a side in my eyes. I was allowed the right to protect what's mine as his mate. I couldn't speak in wolf form neither could he, we hadn't marked one another so we didn't speak to one another through thought. We stood squarely facing one another as he stood between me and her.


I stood facing Megan. She was amazing like this. I needed her to back down though without feeling betrayed. I've already done enough damage to them both. This stops now. I turned and growled at Lily till she ran to her room in tears. She'll have to understand her place around my mate. I faced Megan who was still snarling. I knew I had a serious issue the moment she shifted. I smelled her rage before but never expected this. This will be harder to work through than I could've imagined. I raised myself and glared into her eyes in complete alpha style. Till she bowed and shifted back into human form. I did the same. Rushing to her knowing most don't often shift and exhaustion takes over the body after going back into human form. I rushed to pick her up carrying her to the shower, both of us naked. To tired to fight me, my little Megs leaned into me. I held her the entire time we were in the shower. I wanted her to know who's she was and where my loyalty was. So I just held her thinking of how to fix this. Battling with knowing I had two women who's lives literally depend on me being intimate with them. I only desired one after solidifying our mating last night. Megan was pregnant she had my heart now. Could I just let Lily die? I can't be with her. The thought makes me tense and Megan noticed and looks up at me for the first time. "Who's Lily?" She asks sounding close to crying

Well I guess she must learn all the good and bad about me and why not now. I nod and shut off the shower and carry her back to our bed. Thankful I never brought Lily in here. I was upset that Lily had tainted this space now. I hated her at this point. I hated myself for bringing her here at all. I wanted to rush in and rip her out of the room and throw her out. She was nothing to me. An alpha who lets innocent lives within own pack die wasn't who I want to be.

After sliding into bed next to Megan I told her about everything. "Megan, I was 20 when I became alpha and decided I no longer wanted to find my mate." Pain filled her eyes. I kept going. "Lily was mated when I met her. I killed her mate forcing her to be my whore, informing her that without an alphas cum she would die. She hated him for his crimes but loved him as her mate. She understands the cause of his death and as the alpha she knows not to argue with my decisions. She grew into my friend she was not my whore when we met but a true lover. We were talking about marking her to solidify our situation. I hesitated to do so as my pull to find a mate was growing stronger. The pack decided I must find my mate, which is why I attended the last festival. Once I met you I didn't want to be with her even in the same room. After 3 weeks she came close to death. This last week I have been with her. For the sake of complete honesty I want you to know everything. The good and the bad, and there's going to be a lot of bad."
She looked still but then nodded.

"Okay. That's a lot to take in. I have some questions though. I'll ask the easier question first. Why did you kill her mate?" She asked "I killed him for crimes I had overlooked. Crimes during the war. He was my general. During the war he committed horrible crimes he killed 2 Alphas 3 Betas and their families and household members." She cut me off "Betas from which pack?" She asked with urgency. "The eastern, south west, and yours." She broke down into tears tearing me up inside. "How did you kill him?" Asking with anger in her tone. I answered honestly "Like any murderer in our pack would be killed. Ripped limb by limb, one at a time." Her look was cold as she said "So long and slow?" "Yes." I reply. "Good!" She replies back. I was taken back by her in that moment. She looked directly at me and spoke slowly with intense anger and pain underneath. "He killed my Beta father, my mother, my brother and almost me."

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