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Sokka couldn't believe that they had actually won the war. He couldn't believe that Aang defeated Firelord Ozai without killing him, either. He proved that he could keep his morals while still defeating the evil in this world, and Sokka was so proud of him for it. Now that the war was over, it was their turn to rebuild their world for the better. 

He should've felt happy that they won the war, but something tugged on his heart. Everyone around him celebrated together, even Zuko. Iroh's new tea shop glowed with happiness, but Sokka couldn't join in. He kept glancing outside at the sky, wondering where Hawky was. He should've been back by now with Konno's letter, telling him that she made it to the Northern Water Tribe. But something told him that she didn't make it.

"She hasn't sent the letter yet?" Katara asked after noticing his downcast face.

"Maybe Hawky took the scenic route," Sokka mused, more for himself than for Katara. Worry and anxiety spread through his veins in a rush. It crashed over him like a wave crashes against the beach. "Hopefully. What do you think, Katara? What do you think happened to her?"

Voices rose as the people toasted something. Sokka couldn't really hear over the fear in his head. Katara offered him a soft smile and said, "I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just busy. Give her some time."

"Katara, it's been weeks since she left," Sokka said desperately. "Wouldn't she have already made it?"

Katara placed her hands on his shoulders, making him stare into her eyes. "Sokka. Calm down. If you're this worried, why don't you go to the Northern Water Tribe? Take Appa so you can get there fast. I doubt Aang will mind."

Sokka nodded. However, that didn't calm his fears one bit. "That's a good idea," Sokka said after taking a deep breath. Nothing was helping him calm down.

"Here, let's go talk to him, okay?"

Before Katara could pull Sokka over to Aang, Toph stopped him by sticking her foot out in front of him. He stumbled but didn't fall down. "What, Toph?" Sokka asked. He didn't mean to snap, but the fear in him made him jumpy about everything.

"Are you going to go find Konno?" Toph asked hesitantly. Her hands were fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. 

"Yes. Why?"

"Could you tell her that I'm sorry for the way I was acting before she left?" Toph asked in a rush. "I was so rude to her when I didn't need to be."

"Yeah. Sure."

Sokka allowed Katara to pull him through the throng of people toward the doors to the balcony. He could see Aang staring out at the land solemnly. He had been unusually quiet since he took Ozai's bending away. Katara touched Aang's shoulder when they made it to him, and he turned around with a small smile on his face. 

"Hey," he said to the two of them. A frown made its way onto his face when he noticed Sokka. "What's wrong?"

"Can I borrow Appa?" Sokka asked. "Konno hasn't sent me her letter yet and -"

"Of course," Aang answered immediately. He glanced at Katara when he said, "Go ahead. I know what it's like to worry about a loved one."

Sokka didn't mention that he saw their secret looks to each other. He was too worried about Konno to even comment on that. Every time he thought about Konno, a bad taste spread through his mouth. 

"Thank you so much," Sokka said, embracing Aang. "I will make sure he won't get hurt."

"You're welcome."

Sokka pulled away from Aang and Katara said, "When you see her again, try to send us a letter, okay?"


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