⚝Chapter Seven⚝

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Running away from the Fire Nation school headmaster felt like old times to Konno. They were always running away from people, whether it be Fire Nation people or Earth Kingdom people. It felt a little nostalgic, flying away on Appa. Whenever they did escape, they would share laughter and giggles. It was like they shared inside jokes with each other. This was the first inside jokes that Konno had ever had between people because she didn't really have any friends besides Navrek and Yue at the Northern Water Tribe. 

After fleeing from the cave, they ended up near a sludge-infested river near the Fire Nation. Early morning had risen above the river, and the sun reflected across the disgusting water. Konno had been up since the sun started coming up. She decided that since she was up that early, she would make breakfast for everyone as best as she could on Appa as they floated down the river. However, they didn't have any food when she looked through each of their bags. She hoped that they wouldn't mind that she looked through their bags because she did it for the better good, not because she was nosy.

When she crawled back to her sleeping bag, Aang stirred. Konno slowed down as she passed by him because she didn't want to wake him up yet. It was still early in the morning, and he deserved his rest. The bad thing for her was that he sat up, blinking against the sunlight.

"Why are you already awake?" he asked quietly. His voice was a little scratchy because he had just woken up.

"I always wake up early," Konno explained softly to him. She sat down next to him. "I thought I'd make breakfast, but I realized we have no food."

"We don't have food?" he asked.

"No, we do not."

Aang ran a hand over his dark hair and looked surprised for a second. She assumed that he forgot that he had hair now. "Sokka won't be happy when he wakes up," Aang said, making her chuckle. "Do you like my hair?"

His question surprised Konno, but it made her laugh. "Are you that self conscious about it?"


"Katara thinks it's cute, you know," Konno said with a grin. "I like it too."

His cheeks turned a little pink. Since Katara pushed her toward Sokka before they got together, she thought she could do the same for her. 

"Really?" Aang asked curiously.


He scratched the back of his head in wonder. Konno laughed softly to herself. What Katara and Aang needed to know was that it wasn't good to hide their feelings for each other. It would make them both much happier if they told each other; Konno had firsthand experience with that.

Speaking of him, Sokka flipped onto his side facing Aang and Konno. His eyes were open and he looked angry when he said, "Would you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here."

His voice rang out across the clearing, making Katara jump up. Terror raced across her face until she realized that no one was attacking. "Sokka? Why are you yelling?" Katara snapped. "I was trying to sleep."

"It wasn't me!" Sokka said, gesturing toward Aang and Konno. "It was them!"

"They aren't the ones who are yelling," Katara answered matter-of-factly. Toph was still sleeping next to her. "You yelled, which woke me up."

Sokka grumbled to himself and sat up, too. His hair that usually hung to his jaw when it was down was all tangled up. He must've tossed and turned all night long if it ended up like that. She gave him a look but he just dismissed it with a shrug. 

"I'm hungry," he announced. "Where's the food?"

"We don't have any," Konno told him. "Unfortunately, we ate it all."

Rush [Sokka - Book Three]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz