⚝Chapter Three⚝

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The only person who knew that Sokka and Konno were together was Katara because the two of them could not keep a secret from her. She already knew before they went to tell her and was very excited when they did tell her. That was the happiest Konno had seen her in a long time, so she was also very happy for multiple reasons.

This was one of times where Konno had been happiest. She couldn't really remember a time in her life before that was this great; the only things that measured up to this was being with Yue. Yue always made her days special and fun, so she had so many great memories with her. She knew she would never be able to make any more with her, but she would always remember her sister as being a light in her darkness.

"Where's Katara?" Sokka asked, breaking into her thoughts. 

She glanced around at the circle of people near them. All of the children and teenagers decided to just spend some time together, to forget about their troubles for a few hours and have fun. Katara said she would join them after checking on Aang, but it had been at least ten minutes since she disappeared.

"I'll go find her," Konno said with a sigh. She squeezed his hand before standing up. "I'll be back, okay?"

He smiled up at her. "Okay."

She didn't let go of his hand until she had to. He laughed as she turned around. It had been a little strange at first. She hadn't ever really been one to hold hands or even hug people. She didn't like physical touch much at all. But he changed her; she now wanted to be wrapped up in his arms because they made her feel safe and sound and calm. Her head was always a raging storm, but he seemed to calm it down.

Konno nearly ran into someone when she started to enter the hallway. "I'm sorry!" she said quickly. "I wasn't really paying attention."

"It's fine, Konno," Hakoda said with an easy smile on his handsome face. She could definitely see where Sokka got his looks from. "I wasn't really looking where I was going, either."

He gave her a nod before heading out onto the deck. She still acted a little awkward around him, especially after the other night when he saw her and Sokka talking about their relationship. For some reason, Sokka did not want to tell his dad at all about how Konno was now his girlfriend. He was a little more lenient with their friends and would hold her hand around them. But whenever they were around his father, he always put Katara in between the two of them and wouldn't even look at her. It kind of hurt that he didn't want his dad to know about her.

Konno glanced in Katara's room and saw her laying down on her bed, facing the tiny window. "What are you doing?" Konno asked with a frown. "Are you okay?"

Katara jumped slightly when she heard Konno's voice before sitting up. "I wanted to lay down for a little bit," Katara said with a small laugh. "Toph kept me up all night last night because she was snoring so loud. I honestly wanted to go to Aang's room and sleep in there, but I didn't."

"I totally understand. Sokka snores, too. And it's so loud! He sounds like a herd of tiger seals!" Konno laughed. "I threw one of my pillows at him once, but he just slept right through it. And then I regretted throwing that pillow because it helped to block the noise."

Katara laughed, too. She had been laughing more lately, which was great. Konno hoped that she was helping ease Katara's pain like she had done for her. "That does sound like my brother," Katara said, nodding. She slowly rolled off of her bed, standing up. "Let's go."

The two of them headed back to the deck. Sokka smiled when he saw Katara and Konno, which was strange because his dad was across the way from him. Out of spite, Konno allowed Katara to sit next to her brother instead of her. He didn't even seem to notice. 

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