⚝Chapter Twenty⚝

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After Aang got Toph and Sokka across the pool of lava, the four of them took off running through the tunnels. They didn't have much longer to go until the eclipse happened. Konno wasn't sure how long it would be, but she knew it had to be soon. She was ready for Aang to take on the Fire Lord once and for all. She was ready for this wretched war to be over.

One side of her mind whispered to her that the war wouldn't be over yet. This Invasion was thrown together so fast, so how could it go through well? And the group had only been practicing for a couple of months, so are they really ready? Konno knew that they worked their butts off, practicing everyday, but they were just kids. How could a bunch of kids save the world?

Konno shook her head. They were the kids who were going to save the world. It was their destinies to save the world and to change it for the better. That's what she wanted to do at the Northern Water Tribe. It's what she would be doing now, for the whole world. 

"That's some door!" Sokka exclaimed as they ran up to a large metal bunker built against the cavern wall.

Toph walked up to the door. She placed her ear against it before knocking. A metallic thud produced from deep inside it. "Not a problem."

Konno watched as Toph took a step back before bashing her elbows into the door. A strangled noise left Konno's lips when she saw the metal dent. Toph stepped back again, kissing her fingers. Then, she forcefully stabbed them through the middle of the door and kicked a hole through the door. She widened the space and then stepped through. Aang and Sokka followed her through, leaving Konno standing there in awe. Even though she wasn't a huge fan of Toph, she had to admit that she was an amazing earthbender. 

Konno hurried through the hole and heard Sokka say, "I am so glad we added you to the group."

She thought she saw a grin on Toph's face, but she quickly looked away. Toph pointed in a random direction and started running that way. The three of them followed her down the tunnel. A soft whistle echoed around them as they raced into a tunnel that merged with the one they were in. There was a gasp behind them, alerting the four of them that they weren't alone in the tunnel.

Konno was the first to turn around. She saw a man standing behind them, his eyes wide. She brandished her club at him. He pressed his back against the wall and raised his hands up in the air as her other friends all brandished their own weapons. 

"The Fire Lord's chamber is that way down the hall to the left and up the stairs," he said quickly. For some reason, Konno felt bad for him. He probably didn't know anything about what the Fire Lord did; he was probably brainwashed and believed that they were all doing good. "You can't miss it."

Konno glanced at her friends and saw them all take a step closer to him. She hastily did the same thing just as Aang smiled and said, "Thanks!"

Sokka was the first one to take off running again, so Konno followed closely behind him. He looked so confident in himself as he ran. She wondered if he had any doubts in his mind about what they were about. Probably not. He never listened to the doubts in his mind; that was her thing. 

"Only thirty seconds until the total eclipse," Sokka said breathlessly after pulling out the Mechanist's device.

Konno's legs burned as they raced through the tunnels. Suddenly, another large door with a flame symbol on the front appeared in her line of sight. They all slowed to a stop in front of it. This was it. It was time for them to take down the Fire Lord.

"I'm ready," Aang said with a determined nod. "I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

Aang spun his staff up and forward. Instead of having Toph take down the doors, Aang blew them off of the hinges. He led them into the room. The first thing Konno saw was the throne all the way at the end of the hall they were in. There was a girl lounging on the throne, a smirk on her face. 

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