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Hey guys! This is a part where I kind of interact with all my readers I guess lol, and it will also hold little tidbits about this story. I hope you all enjoy my random thoughts lol! I also wanted to thank you all for getting this far in my Sokka series. It means a lot to me, and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!

Behind the scenes info:
1. I always knew Konno was going to die. Ever since the beginning, she was destined to die. And I always planned her being Yue's sister so she could experience losing a loved one. Part of the reason why I knew Konno was going to die is because of Divergent, specifically Allegiant. As most of you know (and if you don't, I'm sorry lol for the spoilers), the main character, Tris, dies. I was devastated when Tris died because I connected to her and her feelings. After reading that, I knew that I wanted to evoke that type of emotion in people. I wanted to make them happy and sad and everything else with my writing. I hope I did it justice.

Don't think of Konno's death as sad. It might be sad for us that she died, but it was what she needed to finally be happy and at peace (that doesn't mean that dying will give us peace, tho; it just means that it was her time to die; we all still have time left on this earth, and I know it may be hard for a lot of us right now, but it'll get better). It's the same for Yue's death. It was destined for Yue to die, just like Konno. It would have been a surprise for me to keep Yue alive (and sometimes I regret not doing that lol) just like it was a sort of surprise that Konno died. But it wasn't such of a surprise, though. I had been alluding to Konno's death since Trickle. All the same, I hope I did her death justice and I hope it made sense to you guys like it did to me.

2. Many of the new fans (and some of the old fans) find Katara whiny. They say that she talks way too much about her dead mother (and by the way, how do you think Katara got her mother's necklace when Kya was wearing it in a clip right before she died? I assume that Katara took that necklace right off her mother's dead body; wouldn't that mess you up, too?). I don't enjoy when people hate on her because she talks about her mom "more" than she should. She's fourteen years old, and she lost her mom when she was like eight. It has only been six years or so since she lost her mother. She lost her mother at a very young age, so why can't she talk about her mother? Maybe I feel so mad whenever I see people talk bad about Katara because I relate to her. I lost a father figure five years ago, so I know the pain Katara is going through. The pain may get better, but it never goes away. Ever.

One thing that bothers me is that Zuko is the exact same way with his mother and father. He talked about his father all the time, as well as his mother. Let's not even get started on him talking about his honor. He is also just like Katara, wanting to get revenge on people who did him wrong. So, why hate on Katara? Why not hate on Zuko? Is it not normal for a girl to feel? You all baby Zuko because of the same exact reason why you hate Katara. What's the deal? Sure, Katara may have pushed her pain on other people or said that her friends pain wasn't like hers. Can she not make mistakes? Zuko made a ton of mistakes throughout the show, and he didn't even apologize for most of them besides to Iroh. Yet Katara apologized for her mistakes. But you guys seem to love Zuko so much more because he has that story arc or just because he's hot. I've done that, my sister has done that. We've all probably done it. Are you going to hate me too?

We shouldn't hate someone because of the grief they are facing. Sometimes it never goes away. I know from personal experience that grief doesn't go away and sometimes it doesn't get better, either. It doesn't sit right when I think about someone hating Katara because she misses someone who was so important to her. And I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this rant, but I needed to get it out because people have made offhand comments on my books. I don't enjoy those comments, and I have deleted a few that really hurt me. Also, it's fine with me if you don't like Katara. However, that does not excuse the mocking comments and jokes about her because there are people in the world that are in her shoes. 

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