⚝Chapter Ten⚝

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"Katara, if she doesn't want to get into the water, don't force her," Sokka snapped from over near his tree. 

Katara sighed. "Okay. Fine. I'm sorry for pushing, Konno."

Katara pushed away from the rock and swam over near the center of the crater. Konno felt a little bad for not agreeing to go in the water with Katara. All she wanted to do was have fun, but Konno always killed fun. 

"Can we stay near the edge of the crater?" Konno asked her. "As long as we do that, I'll join you."

A beautiful smile appeared on Katara's face. She quickly swam over to the edge of the crater and said, "Okay! That's okay with me."

Before Konno could talk herself out of it, she stripped out of her clothes, leaving her underclothes on. This reminded her of when she nearly took her life, but she shoved that out of her mind. If she kept thinking about it, she would never live because of all her fears. 

Konno stepped into the water and gripped the side of the cliff. The water rose above her chest, getting near her throat. The air in her lungs filtered out because of how terrified she was. 

Katara grabbed onto Konno's arms, gently prying her off of the cliff. "Katara, don't," Konno said, her breath hitching in her throat. "I can't go farther than this."

Konno furiously kicked her feet to stay up. She didn't know what to do if her head went under. She would probably freak out and accidentally hurt Katara. 

"You don't have to be afraid," Katara whispered. "I won't let you go."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Katara pulled her a little farther away from the edge of the cliff, and her breath started coming in quicker and quicker. Her mind flashed back to that terrible day and she could just feel the water rushing over her head. "Katara," Konno said, her voice shaking. "I can't do this."

"Okay, okay," Katara said soothingly. She swam them back over to the edge of the cliff. "It's okay. Here, I'll help you back onto the ground. You don't have to stay in the water anymore."


Right before Katara could help her back onto the ground, Aang came flying through the hole in wall. A huge wave flew over Konno and Katara, covering their heads. They sunk under the water for a second, but it was a second too long for Konno. She opened her mouth as if to suck in air, but she sucked in a mouth-full of water instead. 

Fortunately for her, Katara was holding onto her, and she pulled her up above the water. Konno needed to breathe; she needed oxygen or else she would die. She spewed out the water and sucked in a breath. Oh, it felt so good to breathe again. The oxygen calmed her heart down, and it allowed her to release her fears slightly.

"Ugh, Konno, you just spit in my face," Katara said with a scowl on her face. At least she hadn't let go of her yet. 

"I'm sorry," Konno said quickly. "I was afraid."

"I know."

With Katara's help, Konno got back on dry land. She laid there for a second, staring up at the beautiful blue sky. Her chest heaved as she breathed in more of the wonderful air. Katara appeared in Konno's gaze, a concerned look on her face. "I'm alright now," Konno said, her eyes fluttering shut for a second. "I'm okay."

"Okay. That's good."

"Just let me lay here for right now," Konno said to her. "I need to calm down."


Konno sucked in another breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The sun beat down on her skin, warming up her cold skin. However, the warmth left her body so she opened an eye. Sokka was hovering above her, a frown on his face. "What are you doing?" she asked, opening her other eye. 

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