⚝Chapter One⚝

Start from the beginning

"Here, let me help you down," Sokka said to Toph. His hair was plastered to the back of his neck. "I don't want you to slip."

"I'm fine," she said, waving her hand to him. She jumped off of Appa, easily landing on the deck. "See?"

"Right." Sokka turned to Konno and held out his hand to her. She took it gratefully. "I was trying to be nice to her," he whispered as they slid off of Appa. 

"I'm sure she can handle herself," Konno answered, wringing the water out of her hair. She looked up at Katara and found her struggling with Aang. "Katara, do you need help?"

"Yes, please."

Konno stood underneath her and said, "You can drop his legs, and I'll catch him, okay?"


Katara let Aang down gently to Konno. Sokka helped her grab his legs and body while Katara got down from Appa. She flicked her fingers and all of the water rushed out of her hair. 

"Do you need help bringing him to a room?" Konno asked her.

Katara gave her a grateful look. Lately, she had been very uptight, but Konno still treated her good. She knew she was under a lot of stress. "That would be great."

A figure made their way over to the four of them, and Konno realized it was Hakoda. He nodded to each of them and said, "Me and the others picked out our rooms. I can show you where Aang's room is."

"We're fine," Katara said dismissively. The moon hung behind her as she shook her head.

"We would like that," Konno said instead. "Thank you, Hakoda."

Katara shot her a look, but she ignored it. She needed to know where Aang was going to stay because she didn't want to put him in someone else's room. Konno held Aang's legs while Katara held his upper body, and Hakoda brought them through a tight metal hallway. 

"I chose the room all the way at the end of the hallway. Bato is going to share the room with me," Hakoda said, pointing to the last door on the right. "The Duke and Pipsqueak chose that room." He pointed to the one next to his. "There are about three or four rooms left, so Aang can go in any of them."

"We got it from here, Dad," Katara said with a nod. "Thank you."

Hakoda pressed his lips in a thin line but nodded anyway. He exited the hallway, leaving Katara and Konno alone. 

"Which room do you want Aang in?" Konno asked her awkwardly.

"This one will do fine," Katara answered. 

She pressed her back into the door to open it up, and the two of them walked in with Aang. The room was large, and it had a bed in the center of it. There was a Fire Nation flag situated on the wall to the right. 

Katara and Konno gently set Aang down on the bed. His skin had paled, and there was a yellow tint around his eyes and mouth. A white bandage wrapped around his chest and back, a stark contrast to the sickly glow from him. Konno wished he would wake up by now, but he had fallen into a coma after Katara saved his life.

"I think I'm going to heal him for a little bit," Katara said, her eyes never leaving his body. "After that, I'm going to go to bed. Are we going to share a room?"

"That would probably be best," Konno said with a nod. "Do you want me to ask Toph if she wants to share a room with the two of us?"

"That would be great." Katara finally looked at Konno. She pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you for everything. You've been so good to me even though I have been so rude to everyone."

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