013 "I want to poop"

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Something hilarious happened yesterday evening.

Yesterday evening, we all went out for dinner. We went to the nearby town and ate in a restaurant which was run by a friend of dad. We got special treatment. We got a private room and they didn't even want us to pay the bill. But still, dad paid the bill.

I didn't like it. Because I had to watch them eating all the awesome tasty food and I got nothing to eat. The smell of the food was making me hungry. But they completely ignored me and kept me on the table.

After dinner, we went to a store to buy some utensils mom wanted for a while. It was a store owned by another friend of dad.

I kind of hated this in my previous life. You can pick any random guy from the street and he would somehow know my dad. From the teachers in my school to the police in our area knew dad.

In the store, I was in mom's arms and Anu was in dad's arms. Anu was tired and she didn't want to walk anymore.

Mom leisurely checked the store with me in her arms. Mom liked fancy ceramic plates and mugs. Drawing designs on mugs was a hobby our mom developed from the days she was a child.

"I want to make gold." Suddenly, out of nowhere, Anu declared.

I think I have said this before. 'Making gold' was a euphemism for pooping. Dad taught her to tell that instead of telling that she wants to poop. That way, she won't be embarrassing mom and dad in public.

"Right now? Hold it in. We will reach home in fifteen minutes." Dad replied.

"No. I want to do it now."

"Just control for ten minutes. I will call mom right now."

"No... I want to poop right now." Anu started raising her voice. She even said the word poop.

This attracted the attention of many people and some started giggling. Kids making a mess was a joke everyone was allowed to laugh at. It was indeed fun to watch the struggle of the parents.

There was a wry smile on dad's face.

Mom slowly moved away from dad pretending that she doesn't know him. This way, she won't be embarrassed in the public. I felt a bit bad for betraying dad. But still, a fully supported mom's decision.

"Sir, there is a toilet for the employees. You can use it." The store manager came to help dad.

"Thanks, brother." Dad politely thanked the manager and started walking with the manager. Mom also started following him with me in her arms. After all, mom was far better at taking care of Anu.

"No. I want to poop there." Anu pointed in the opposite direction. She was almost screaming.

Everyone in the store looked in the direction Anu pointed. I craned my neck to look where she was pointing.


A series of toilets of different shapes, sizes and colours were neatly arranged for display!

The stupid girl wanted to poop in the toilets that are on display for selling!!!

The entire store broke into laughter. Even dad and mom started laughing.

"I am serious. Stop laughing" Anu said angrily.

This only managed to add oil to the fire. The manager fell back to his seat laughing. A worker in the store was rolling on the floor laughing. The customers were all laughing. Some of them even had tears from laughing. I laughed so hard that I think I pooped a bit.

"You cannot poop in that." dad said controlling his laughter.


"It's... It's not real. It's made of paper for display." Dad lied.


"Yes. It's better we don't touch it." Dad tactically moved out of the store with Anu.

Her mind is a factory of ideas for disasters. Staying in the store with her was not different from begging for trouble.

Mom picked a lot of stuff. She paid using the card and an employee voluntarily carried everything to our car.

"I am very sorry for the commotion. She is a troublemaker." Mom apologized to the store owner.

"Please don't apologize. We are happy that it happened. Everyone is tired of the day-long work and we got to laugh a bit. We should be thanking you." The manager replied politely.

"Still..." Mom wasn't convinced.

"This is nothing, two days ago, a kid actually pulled down his pants and sat on multiple toilet seats just to check how it feels. We call that trouble. What your little girl did was just requesting to poop." The manager replied.

We laughed and left the store.

Another dumb incident for us to remember.

At the same time, I realized something.

Mom and dad have a lot of memories like these about Anu. All these good and bad memories are actually keeping her close to dad and mom while I was acting all mature. Mom and dad don't need a mature man. They need a baby.

They themselves might not realize it. But they want to take care of a clueless troublesome kid who would depend on them forever.

I am doing a very bad job at being that baby.

From today onwards, I am going to be a bit more spoiled.

I will cry, bite, poop and cry even more.

I have to let them take care of me enough before I grow up and it's too late.


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