052 Christmas (2)

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After making the crib at home, we went to church to help. Dad was active in church activities. Also, the youngsters in our area considered dad as a role model. So, our parish priest insisted on dad coming to help with the crib.

Later, mom decided to return home and dad wanted to go with carol. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to go with dad. So I simply hugged his leg as tight as I could. I also bit as hard as I could on his pants. In the end, they gave up and let me go with him.

I sat on dad's shoulders and went around houses. Many families gave me chocolates and some sweets. I stuffed all my pockets with them. I wanted to share it with my dear ones after returning home. When the carol ended, I walked home with dad.

It was midnight and silent except for the winds. It was dark except for occasional street lights and moonlight. But I insisted on walking as I didn't want to reach home quickly. I just wanted to walk with dad. We didn't talk. I just walked in front and dad followed me watching me walk carefully by the roadside.

We took a break from walking at our village centre. It was well past midnight and there was no one there. All the shops were closed. Even the village cats were missing. It was my first time seeing our village without any person. Dad sat beside me. I leaned on to him as I was tired.

The next day morning, I woke up between mom and dad.

I am sure that this is going to be a great memory for me.

Life is all about making memories and living in the present. Because we cannot stop time. Whether we like it or not, everything will pass and become memories.

After mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, mom stopped feeding us. They also decided to remove the glands. We found cancer in the first stage. So removing it before it became invasive was the right thing to do.

I wasn't really happy about it. Knowing that mom would never feed me really hurt me. She used to talk to me a lot while feeding me. She would tell me the story of the angry rock and flying elephant. Sometimes, she complained to me about dad or told me how Anu might burn down our house one day.

I knew she was having a harder time. So I behaved and didn't make it harder for mom. Priya also behaved well. But Prince and Anuchi made a bit of trouble.

You remember that Anuchi drank from mom once. Later, it became a habit for her to come to mom and request for 'one sip'. At first, mom allowed it. But later she said no to it. But Anu was naughty and she always found a way. She would sneak upon mom when she's feeding any of us and doing something else at the same time. Then she would silently distract the baby. Once the baby is distracted, Anu would take a sip and run away laughing.

Mom used to scold her for this. But mom kind of liked this prank. So she never properly punished Anu. As a result, Anu continued doing this. For her, that little prank was something she loved to do. 

Anu was older than us kids. When mom stopped feeding us and they started preparing for the surgery, she realized that something was wrong. She started asking questions. So dad had to explain to her the whole situation. It made her sad. But there was a good result too. Anu consoled and supported mom through the process. She stayed with mom in the hospital and took care of mom in her own ways. It was a great relief for mom. It wasn't really about what Anu did to help her. It was the feeling that everyone was supporting her that made mom happy. You would be surprised by the wonders a good kid can do. Anu was a disaster factory. But she was the best daughter any parents can ask for. I cannot really blame my parents for picking her as their favourite.

Since then, Jeemma fed us at least twice a day. But Anu didn't join us with her prank as she only wanted to annoy mom. She wasn't really interested in the milk.

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