015 'Longest Poop'

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"Listen to me."

"This could be a world record."

"At least a national record."

"You should see it."

When mom brought me into the hall, Anu was explaining something seriously to dad.

"What are you two talking about?" Mom asked out of curiosity.

"Don't ask..." Dad tried to warn. But it was a bit too late. Mom had already asked before dad finished.

"Amma... Today I pooped the longest poop." Anu said proudly.

"Huh?" Mom was confused.

"Yes. It is very long. It could be a record." Anu continued with a proud smile.

Dad sighed. I was having trouble preventing myself from laughing.

"Get ready to go to school." Mom ignored her.

"No. You have to believe me. We should call the newspapers. Maybe I can win a Nobel prize. I still haven't flushed it." Anu said while thinking seriously.

"Pffttt..." Dad coughed and the coffee he was drinking sprayed out.

Apparently, Anu pooped a very long poop. She thinks it can put her name in record books and win her a Nobel prize.

Even I laughed. I can only imagine the newspaper headlines. 'Nobel prize for the longest poop.' (probably with photos.) In the future, they might even erect statues.

Doodu was rolling on the floor making a laugh like sound. He was a weird dog. Everyone was used to it already. So we ignored him. There was a small bandage on his tail.

Yesterday, After the bite war, Doodu didn't play with Anu for a long time.

Anu went and apologized to him multiple times. But Doodu just ignored her.

Anu was sad and started crying.

In the end, mom interfered. Anu told mom how those two fought.

"Show me your hand." Mom checked Anu's palm.

There was not even a scratch or reddening on the skin. Doodu's bite was very soft. He truly loved Anu and couldn't bring himself to harm her even if he tried. Then she checked Doodu's tail. Because of his fur, nothing was visible outside. But he was in pain whenever mom touched his tail.

Seeing this made Anu guilty and sad. She started crying. "Waaaa... aaaa waaaa...."

I hated her stupid cry.

"It's okay. Let's treat him first." Mom consoled Anu.

Both the girls first warmed a piece of cloth and patted it on his tail. Then they wrapped a small piece of white cloth on his tail. It was like a bandage. This made Anu a bit happy and Doodu curious.

He chased his tail for a while and then forgot all the grievances he had with Anu.

Anu also gave one of her toys to Doodu.

Both of them started playing together again and forgot the fight.

Coming back to our story,

Tired of Anu's pestering, mom went to check the length of the poop after leaving me with dad. I don't know what happened later.

All that I know is that she didn't get the Nobel prize for the longest poop.

"Don't laugh. One day, I will get the record for the longest poop." Anu declared.

Mom and dad were struggling to control their laughter.


Another important piece of news: I got my first teeth. I was very excited about it. I kept feeling it with my tongue. I wanted to see mom's expression when she saw it. But she was too busy to notice it.

It made me really angry.

Guess who is going to get bitten today?


How is the pic? I spent about 2 hours making it

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How is the pic? I spent about 2 hours making it. I used a dog from the internet as a model and drew it in Photoshop.

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