60 Chachan

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"Chacha..." I got out of the car and ran to our grandfather. 'Chachan' is a local Christian term for grandfather.

"Woof... " Doodu followed me.

Chachan was very happy to see us. He laughed and hugged us all. Our cousins also got hugs from him.

"Seven! No. Eight." Chachan was happy with the number of kids.

"How many times will you count?" Dad asked him.

"I will never get tired of counting. Daughter, did you vomit on the way?" He asked mom. He likes our mom and always calls her 'daughter'.

"I didn't. But someone else did." Mom answered with a happy smile.

"That's... because mom was driving the car left and right to make me vomit." Anuchi made a random excuse.

"I told them to smell a lemon. But they never listen." Jeemma complained.

"Anukutti didn't puke." Jeemma's youngest said. When she was born, she looked a lot like Anuchi. So everyone started referring to her as 'Little Anu'. Then it became Anukutti. As for her actual name, I don't know.

"Good girl. Your other grandfather and grandmother in heaven would be very happy to see you all growing up so well." Chachan said.

He wasn't our biological grandfather. He was the neighbour who adopted dad and Jeemma after our biological grandparents passed away. Our actual grandmother passed away a few months after giving birth to dad. Four years later, our actual grandfather also passed away. After the funeral, the relatives left in a hurry because they were worried about the kids' responsibility falling on their heads. With no other choice, chachan took Jeemma and dad to his own house. At that time, they were so poor that they could barely manage three meals a day. But chachan, his wife and their four kids treated Jeemma and dad as members of their own family.

"It's getting late. Come let's have lunch." Chachan invited us inside. He completely ignored Jeemma and uncle Jijo.

I wasn't surprised. I will explain it later.

We had lunch together. It was a small house. The dining table was also small. So it was a bit crowded. But no one had any complaints. Chachan had had his lunch already. So he just sat there and watched us eat.

After lunch, the kids went to play outside. There were three kittens and a neighbour girl to play with them. I didn't go with them. I climbed onto chachan's lap and sat there comfortably.

"Achu, don't you want to play with them?" Chachan asked.

"Huh? No. I want to be with Chachan." I replied with a sweet smile.

"Really? Achu loves me the most. Ummmaahh..." He was delighted and I got a long kiss.

He was happy. I was happy.

If I ever get into trouble with mom or dad, I can go to Jeemma for help. My parents wouldn't dare to go against her. In everyone's eyes, Jeemma is the ultimate power. But I knew the truth. Jeemma and dad were afraid of disappointing chachan. So if I had the backing of chachan, then I can do anything. Fortunately, the other kids were dumb and never realized it.

"I think he is just tired from the journey," Jeemma said. She wasn't happy. She clearly was worried that I might end up becoming chachan's favourite instead of one of her own.

"Are you?" Chachan asked.

"No. I will play with them tomorrow. Today, I want to play with chachan."

"Really? Then will you play with me again tomorrow?" He was a bit greedy.

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