"Are you alright?" asked Zhan when he noticed that he was injured, too.

"Yeah! yeah!''' I'm fine. only a little scratched on my head...!" the taxi driver answered.

"Can you boring us to the hospital?" asked Zhan.

"Come! I help you..!" said the taxi driver.

He helped Zhan to carry Hwa Lin into the taxi.

"Does your taxi still can use?" Zhan asked when  he saw the condition of the taxi.

It was badly broken on its head. The cap even a little exposed.

"We can try...! Otherwise, you call ambulance..!" said the taxi driver.

"Just try...!" replied Zhan.

They put Hwa Lin at the backseat. While they jumped into the front seat. The taxi driver started the engine,and it was succeed after a few tries.

The driver manages to drive his broken cab which is not move smoothly anymore. There were some pops sound from the engine and the sound of the metal thing which was dragged around when the car moved.

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Zhan waited in the waiting room in a hospital. His white shirt has got stained with blood. His appearance was dirty and messy. But he couldn't care less about it. He was worried about Hwa Lin's condition who hasn't passed the crissic phase. The doctors were treated her in the ICU. The taxi driver has gone brought by the police to be questioned about the incident after being treated by the paramedics, and Zhan promised him that he will pay for his loss.

The sound of shoes walking in the alley of the hospital blaring in the empty hallway. Zhan turned his head to the sound. And he saw Yibo, Wang Yong and Hao Xuan who rushing walked to theIwaitng room in front of the ICU.

"Baby...! Are you okay?" Yibo grabbed Zhan once he reached his bae. He checked him out as he saw the blood was all over his clothes.

"I'm fine. But Ma... I mean Mdm. Wang... She's still in intensive care...!" answered Zhan.

"Where did you find her?" asked Wang Yong.

"In the street, the way to our home. She suddenly ran into the street and almost hit by the taxi if uncle driver didn't move fast. When I I try to reach her, a car coming. I think it was intended to hit me. But Uncle taxi moved faster and blocked it from hitting me, but it hit Mdm. Wang, instead...!" informed Zhan.

"Where actually is your house?" asked Wang Yong, looking at Yibo.

Yibo looked at his father. He was hesitant to tell him. But it's for the eveybody's good's sake, finally he said an address to him.

"Isn't it the direction to the organization owned by Heung San San?" Hao Xuan commented.

Wang Yong still looking at Yibo, he nodded.

"What? So... All these time, I stay near that evil woman?" Yibo was surprised.

Wang Yong and Hao Xuan stared at him questioningly.

"Yibo, you keep saying that Heung San San is an evil woman. What do you mean? What happened in the past until you hate her so much, despite she's your teacher. I know, no matter how brat you are, you always being polite to your teachers...!" asked Wang Yong, finally.

"I told you already! But none of you believe me!" Yibo glared at his father. He felt regret that his family believe to the outsider than him as their family.

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