A Little Space

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The working hour has ended. The workers packed their belongings and called off their duties for the day. They burst out of the buildings with a little hope in their minds, to see their loved ones back at home whom they left for the whole day.

Xuan Lu was not an exception. With a beaming face, she walked off of the office, passing the parking area and the security guard post. She didn't go to the bus stop as usual. Instead, she stood on the pavement at the taxi stand located a few meters away behind the bus stop.

When she entered a taxi, a motorbike just came out of the office area. The person who sat at the backseat of the motorbike tapped the person who riding and pointed at the taxi that brought Xuan Lu away. 

The cab that Xuan Lu was riding on stopped in front of the shopping mall building, half an hour away from the office areas she just left. She hopped off of the taxi and straight away walked to the shopping mall.

The motorbike rider stopped when they saw her went into the building. They parked the bike at the parking lot near the roadside. They climbed off of he bike and removed their helmets.

"Why should we follow her?" asked the rider. He was Yibo.

"I'll teach you being nosy...!" replied Zhan, handed the helmet over.

"Can you carry the helmet?" asked Yibo.

"No! it's burdened my neck already while we're riding," answered Zhan.

"I thought you wear the helmet on your head...." Yibo grumbled.

"But my neck that support my head, ma!" Zhan retorted.

"Tsk! Sometimes you are so scary. No longer as a cute bunny..." Yibo muttered.

"Enough complaining...! Let's go! We need to tail Xuan Lu Jie. Since when she often takes cab to go somewhere? She always take bus, unless it's emergency....!" said Zhan.He walked before Yibo to the shopping mall area.

Yibo tailed him, carrying two helmets on his hands. The compartment only could hold a helmet, and that also he used to keep his working bag. He went to the counter where he allowed to keep the shopper belongings safe. It was a shopping mall, where he had his supermarket in, too.

"Where is she? Where is she?" Zhan grabbed Yibo's hand.

Yibo scanned the ground floor of the shopping mall. There are a lot of people walking by, of course. It wasn't easy to find the certain people in the crowd.

"There!" he pointed at a woman who walked further in to the mall.

Zhan dragged Yibo to follow the woman. Yibo was unhappy with this plan. But since it was Zhan who drags him around, he couldn't say no.

Xuan Lu stopped walking in front of a cafe. She took a deep breath before she entered the cafe. After that, she went into the cafe and greeted the counter girl.

"Isn't it the cafe owned by the grumpy man?" Yibo muttered.

"He's the one who helps me last time..." Zhan responded.

Yibo glanced at him, and looked at him irritatedly. Zhan turned to him.

"What?" Zhan scowled.

"Helped you to escape from me...!" Yibo hissed.

"But he also helped you to show you where I am!" retorted Zhan.

"Oh, yeah.... Very helpful. Go to the east, find a house after houses where got a bunny on the horse! What kind of information was that?" Yibo scowled.

Zhan glared and gushed at him. he hit Yibo's chest with the back of his hand. Yibo rubbed his chest. And they turned their attention again into the cafe, where Xuan Lu has seated on one of the tables. She smiled when a mid-aged lady came and brought her a cup of beverage for her. The lady put the cup on the table and sat with her. The lady looked loving at Xuan Lu. She stroke Xuan Lu's head while talking to her.

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