I spent the night watching TV, but not really paying attention to what was on.

It was a few hours after Jennie left that I heard a car pull up next door. Looking out my window, I saw Jennie getting out of her prom dates car, looking really pissed.

"Come on," he called out to her, but she just kept walking while giving him the finger before she went into her house and slammed the door.

"Fine," her date shouted. "Be a bitch." He then got back into his car and sped off.

A half hour later, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Yeah," I said. The door opened and Jennie walked in wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt with Kermit the Frog on it.

"Fucking ass," she said as she walked in and plopped herself down on my bed.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Not you," she said. "My date. He was such a fucking tool. We got to the hotel were the prom is and the first thing he does is go talk to his friends. Then later when he actually spends time with me, we dance and he grabs my ass and tells me he got us a room... The fucking balls on him to actually think I was going to sleep with him."

"Sorry to hear your night sucked," I said. Jennie moved next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. Instantly I smelled the green apple shampoo that she uses.

"I should've gone with you," she said. "At least then I would've had a good time, and not have to worry about you trying to get into my pants."

"Yeah," I said, once again feeling that pain inside as I was reminded that I could never have the woman I loved.

After high school, we went off to college. By some stroke of luck, or maybe misfortune depending how you look at it, Jennie and I got accepted to the same school.

I never dated in high school, hoping one day that Jennie would start to feel for me the way I felt for her. But in college, I tried to date. Those dates never went past the first one. As hard as I tried to move on, I couldn't. Jennie was the one I loved and every girl paled in comparison to her.

Jen dated as well, and I put on a brave and happy face when she would tell me about them.

During our final year in college, Jennie moved to an apartment off campus with some of her friends while I stayed in the dorms. It was during that time she met Yeonjun. Even I had to admit that he seemed like a good guy and treated Jennie the way she deserved. As much as I wanted to be with her, I was at least happy she had found someone that made her happy and treated her well.

That is until one night she called me...

"He's been cheating on me," she cried on the other end of the phone. I told her I would be right over, jumped into my car and raced over to her apartment. She was by herself when I walked through the door without knocking. I found Nini in her room, on her bed with a box of tissues. I sat down next to her and held her as she cried and told me how he had been seeing someone behind her back for the last couple months because he got tired of waiting to have sex with her.

"You mean, you guys haven't..." I started to ask.

"No," she said. "I mean... I want to. But at the same time, I don't because I want it to be perfect when I do."

I don't know what suddenly came over me. I had managed to keep my feelings hidden from her for the last fifteen years. But tonight, I suddenly let it all out when I whispered, "I love you."

Jennie pulled away from me and stared at me blankly for a minute.

"You what?" she asked, her voice flat.

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