"It's got to have been six years since I came here," Erin said as they walked out into the stadium.

"The last time I came was with Ruze last season," Jay said. "We lost that day, so maybe I'm bad luck."

"You had better not be," Erin said with mock sternness.

They soon found their seats, which were on the front row. Jay didn't regret what he had spent on the tickets. There was nowhere better to watch a game from, and he obviously wanted them to have the best time.

"This is perfect, Jay," Erin said happily once they were settled in. She tucked right into her hotdog as if her life depended on it.

"Isn't it?" he said, looking around the stadium. There was no doubt about it, they had some of the best seats in the house. "Now we've got to see if my unlucky streak holds up."

"No, I'm feeling lucky," Erin said, talking through a mouthful of food. "I think we're going to get a win out of this one."

By the time the game started, Jay's feet were cold enough that he could barely feel them. His hands weren't much better. He told himself that he should have brought some gloves, which Erin had been smart enough to do. At least the good time they were having was taking his mind off the cold. They had been chatting away non-stop, and work hadn't come up once.

The visiting team's first inning went well for the Cubs, getting the three outs with even conceding a hit, let alone a run. Then it was time for the Cubs to bat.

"Go on! First pitch, straight out of the park!" Erin shouted at the Cubs' opening batter.

Jay laughed, loving her excitement and enthusiasm. "I'm not sure it's as simple as that."

As he said it, the first pitch was delivered. The batter swung at it hard and nailed it, blasting it down the centre of the field.

"Woah! That's out of here!" Erin yelled, leaping to her feet amid a roar from the crowd.

Jay joined in her in standing, but he was a little less optimistic about the hit as a fielder ran towards the wall, hoping to make a catch. "That's going to be caught," he said.

"No way," Erin insisted.

The ball came down, and would have cleared the wall by a few inches if it hadn't been for the fielder, who was able to jump and pluck it out of the air, drawing a groan of disappointment from the crowd.

"Aww!" Erin cried, instinctively turning to Jay for a consolatory hug. "I really thought that was a home run," she whined.

"Almost," Jay commiserated. The few seconds that she spent in his arms meant more to him than a run ever would.

At the end of each inning, a Kiss Cam was featured on the stadium's big screen. Jay wasn't even watching it at the bottom of the third inning, leaning back in his seat and drinking his soda. Erin almost made him jump when she squealed beside him.

"Jay! It's us!" she cried.

"What? Oh, God," Jay said, looking at the screen and seeing them on it. Some of the crowd started cheering them on as he quickly put his drink down.

"We'd better make it a good one," Erin said with a laugh.

"Yes," he said.

With that, they both moved in for the kiss. Erin cupped his cheeks with her hands as their lips met. Jay's mind was instantly blown when they started smooching each other. He was totally oblivious to the cheers of the crowd. He wanted the kiss to go on forever, even if she did taste of mustard.

And then, just like that, it was over. Erin pulled back, wiping dampness from her lips. The camera was off them already. "Wow," she breathed, eyes gleaming. "You're quite the kisser, Jay."

"So are you. I won't be forgetting this date any time soon," he smiled, feeling his heart racing.

"And that's going to do it," Jay said as the final batter for the visiting team popped up an easy ball for the pitcher to catch. The simple catch was taken, sealing a six to two win for the Cubs.

"You're not so unlucky after all," Erin said as they both applauded their victorious team. "No offense, but do you mind if we get out of here? I'm so cold it's unreal."

"We can get out of here on one condition. Dinner."

"You're not going to take no for an answer on that are you?" she asked.


Erin giggled at his response. "Alright, fine. But find us somewhere nice."

"I've already got somewhere planned," Jay said, speaking as though he had never doubted she would go to dinner with him.

"Confidence. I like that in a man."

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