Chapter 17- Amortentia

Start from the beginning

"Well, I, I didn't mean to, well, I-"

"Oh shut up you blithering fool, before I hex you. Lunch at twelve, Severus darling?"

"I'll be there."

"Oh, and, can I come to your seventh year Potions class? I would rather like to get that N.E.W.T."

"It starts at half past two."

"Bye." She kissed Severus' cheek, glared at Lockhart and smiled at Albus, before gliding out of the hall. The students, who witnessed the whole encounter, were gobsmacked by how sassy their usually pleasant Muggle Studies teacher could be.

Lockhart, thoroughly embarrassed, ran out of the hall and went in the opposite direction.

"Well, I have to say my boy, that was rather good fun, wasn't it!" Albus grinned, dropping himself down in Julia's vacated seat.


Severus had just left their chambers after their lunch date to prepare for the N.E.W.T. class that Julia would also be attending. The woman in question, however, hung back under the pretence of finding a fresh pot of ink.

In actuality, she was fishing the discarded multicoloured robes out from under the bed, never to see the light of day again. Or so Severus thought. Julia retrieved the bright garment, and stowed them away in her satchel, a Christmas present from Lily in their third year. Then she joined her beloved Severus in the dank potions classroom, the first one there.

"Good afternoon, Miss Evermore." Severus greeted monotonously I without looking up from his work.

"Are you really going to treat me like one of your students?" Julia sidled up to his desk.

"When you are in this classroom, you are my student and will act accordingly." He still hadn't looked up.

"So, as a student, I wouldn't be able to do this?" She said, before pulling up his chin and kissing him. She felt Severus smile against her lips.

When they broke apart, Severus said, "No, you would not. Detention, Miss Evermore." He was grinning from ear to ear, so she could tell he was joking.

Soon enough, the other students trudged into the classroom, like it was the last place they wanted to be. Soon enough they had finished setting up and were ready to begin the lesson.

"Today, I shall be teaching you about Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?"

Julia smiled, and raised her hand. She was the only one who did.

"Now that's a shame, isn't it? That the only one who could answer my simple question is a teacher?"

"Yeah, Professor, why are you here?" A Hufflepuff student called out."

"Silence! Miss Evermore, please answer my question." Severus snapped.

"Amortentia is the most powerful Love Potion in existence. It creates a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It is the closest one can get to actual love, as no potion or spell can truly make one love."

"Characteristics. Go."

"It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from it in characteristic spirals. When you smell it, you smell what attracts you, and it is different for every person."

"Now. I want you all to line up and smell it. Then tell me what your scents are."

The students perked up, practically clambering over each other to get the cauldron first. Julia stood at the back of the queue, but soon enough, it was her turn.

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